Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 12 noon PDT
CVGS General Meeting (in a Zoom Video Conference)
“Sex, Lies and Genealogical Tape” by Ron Arons
Through two related examples Ron shows how one can piece together an ancestor’s life by collecting as much documentation about him/her as possible as well as looking at the environments where they lived. He will introduce a few tools to help this procedure/process, including the Life Chronology (TM), the Life Hub, Spoke, and mind maps. The process allows a genealogist the possibility to go far beyond names, dates, and places (the answers to the questions: Who? When? and Where? It allows us to explore the far more interesting questions: Why? and How? He will demonstrate the unintended benefit of this methodology: it surprisingly let Ron break through some brick walls, allowing him to push his heritage back four more generations and find a plethora of living relatives he never knew beforehand.
Born in New York, Ron Arons worked for many years as a marketer at many high-tech companies, including Texas Instruments, Ashton-Tate, and Sybase, before deciding to work full time on his first book, The Jews of Sing Sing. Ron became interested in understanding his roots after he lost both his parents to cancer 16-18 years ago. In the process of researching his criminal ancestor’s past, Ron has traced his roots to England, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania. In January 2008, Ron appeared on the PBS television series, The Jewish Americans, as the acknowledged expert on Jewish criminals of New York’s Lower East Side. He tours the country giving educational and entertaining presentations on Jewish criminals and Jewish genealogy.
PLEASE REGISTER for this event through the event email that will be sent to all CVGS members or on the CVGS website (
This program will be held online using the Zoom video conferencing platform for Meetings.
Please note that the meeting starts at 12 noon Pacific Daylight Time (3 p.m. Eastern time, 2 p.m. Central time, 1 p.m. Mountain time). The Zoom Meeting room will be open by 11:45 a.m. PDT for visiting and helping attendees connect.
Attendance is free but only 100 Zoom seats are available, so please register soon.
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