Welcome to Genealogy Education Bytes, posted on Wednesday afternoon for the past week, where we try to highlight the most important genealogy and family history education items that came across our desktop since the last issue.
1) Upcoming Conferences, Institutes and Seminars
* Conference Keeper Calendar
2 ) Upcoming Seminars, Webinars and Online Classes (times are US Pacific):
* Conference Keeper Calendar
* Legacy Family Tree Webinar Series
* FamilySearch Library Classes and Webinars for October 2023
* Conference Keeper Calendar
* Legacy Family Tree Webinar Series
* FamilySearch Library Classes and Webinars for October 2023
* MyHeritage 2023 Webinar Series
* Legacy Family Tree Webinar’s 2023 Mexico Research Series
* Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree 2023 Webinar Series
* Utah Genealogical Association Pro Talk Webinar Series
* RootsTech 2023 On-Demand Sessions
* Family Tree Webinars - Wednesday, 11 October, 5 p.m.: Help! How do I separate genealogical fact from fiction? by Carol Baxter.
* Family Tree Webinars - Friday, 13 October, 11 a.m.: Gold! Gold! Gold! The 1897 Klondike Rush by Jill Morelli.
* Family Tree Webinars - Tuesday, 10 October, 5 p.m.: Steamer Kate Explosion: Correlating Indirect Evidence to Identify and Correct an Error by Ann Staley.
* Family Tree Webinars - Wednesday, 18 October, 11 a.m.: The Gentlemen Judges: Justices of the Peace by Judy G. Russell.
3) Recent Podcasts/Radio Shows:
* Ancestral Findings: AF-805: Exploring the Lincoln Tomb | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Ancestral Findings: AF-806: Census Records (1790–1955) | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Ancestral Findings: AF-807: Graveyards and Cemeteries | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Family Tree Magazine: Spotting Inconsistencies in Census Records – An Interview with Robyn Smith
* Research Like a Pro: RLP 274: Church Marriage Records
4) Recent YouTube Videos:
* Aimee Cross - Genealogy Hints: Good Searches on Ancestry (Are You Searching WRONG?)
* American Ancestors: The Odyssey of Isaac Allerton: Rebel Pilgrim
* BYU Family History Library: Getting to Know the Person Page in Family Tree – Kathryn Grant (5 October 2023)
* Cheri Hudson Passey: GenFriends: Relative Race Season 12, Day 3! Behind the Scenes with Thaddeus!
* Cheri Hudson Passey: GenFriends: Relative Race Season 12 Day 4: Surprising Connections
* Family History Fanatics: LivingDNA's Chromosome Browser Review: A Tool So Powerful - You Need to Test Here!
* Family Locket: How to Find Land and Tax Records
* FamilySearch: Records Hints | FamilySearch | Tree App
* Genealogy TV: How to Search on Ancestry.com
* Hitting the Bricks With Kathleen: Hittin' the Bricks with Kathleen: Unraveling Roots
* Hitting the Bricks With Kathleen: Hittin' the Bricks with Kathleen: The Elusive Ancestor: Quest for Great-Grandfather Richard Bush
* Hitting the Bricks With Kathleen: Hittin' the Bricks with Kathleen: Tracing Greek Ancestry: The Chopelas Chronicles
* Just Genealogy: Genealogy Standards for Reasoning From Evidence - Standards 37, 38, and 39 - JG0332
* Legacy Tree Genealogists: How To Use DNA Matches In Your Genealogy Research
* The Family History Guide: TFHG - Genealogy for Absolute Beginners, Part 1: Come and Learn the Stories
* WikiTree: New Member Q&A with Betsy Ko (October 2023)
* Your DNA Guide: DNA Defined: Confirmation Bias
* Your DNA Guide: DNA Defined: Generation of Connection
5) Did you miss the last post in this series - Genealogy Education Bytes - 28 September to 4 October 2023?
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2023/10/genealogy-education-bytes-week-of-5-to.html
Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver
Note that all comments are moderated and may not appear immediately.
Note that all comments are moderated and may not appear immediately.
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share your comment on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
1 comment:
Randy, Thanks so much for supporting a3Genealogy and the Hittin' the Bricks with Kathleen podcast. Happy New Year.
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