NOTE: This is a repeat blog post from 31 October 2020. It mentions the RootsWeb WorldConnect family tree database which was user-contributed over several decades and was scratched from the Internet by in recent years. Alas, many of the links from years past do not work any longer.
The article about retirement of RootsWeb WorldConnect from April 2023 says:
"WorldConnect family trees (last updated on 9 August 2021) will be retired on 15 April 2023 and migrated to Ancestry as a new free-access collection later in the year. For help removing a tree or its content, contact us."
So there is "hope" that WorldConnect will return. Unless it doesn't. The year 2023 isn't over.
There are a number of families in the Rootsweb WorldConnect database at that have surnames connected to Hallowe'en. For instance:
2) The GOBLIN surname - It looks like there are no real GOBLIN family trees - only isolated GOBLIN women who married men with other surnames.
3) The SKELETON surname - there are hundreds of entries but few trees with many generations. Methinks these are mostly misspelled SKELTON people.
4) The FRANKENSTEIN surname - There are many entries, and most of them are of German origin. One family that settled in Rochester NY is here. There is one Frank N. Stein here.
5) The WITCH surname - there are some entries, but no long family lines in the database. Some of those listed were accused of witchcraft.
6) The PUMPKIN surname - there are some entries, but no long family lines. There are also hundreds of entries for a given name of PUMPKIN.
7) The HAUNT surname - there are only a few entries, none with a family line. There are a few persons with the first name of HAUNT.
8) The SPOOK surname - there are dozens entries, and only one with a three generation family. There are smoe entries for people with a given name of Spook and some for the first name of Spooky (at least one dog!)
9) The GHOUL surname - there are dozens of entries.
10) The JACKO surname has hundreds of entries, and there are dozens of entries with a given name of Jacko..
11) The LANTERN surname has hundreds entries. But there are no people named Jack O. Lantern, but 4a fewentries with Jack Lantern.
12) There are hundreds of CAT surname entries and thousands of CATT entries. There is one Rin Black Cat name, which died in 2006 in Uncle Brick's barn.
13) There are some SCARY surname entries - many of them still living. There are dozens of entries for a given name of Scary.
14) There are dozens of DRACULA surname entries, many of them are related to The Count. There are some entries for a given name of DRACULA.
15) There are hundreds of CEMETERY entries, some of them the name of actual cemetery databases.
16) There are thousands of GRAVE surname entries, and tens of thousands of GRAVES surname entries. There are a few entries for the name Robin Graves.
17) There are tens of thousands of entries for the surname COFFIN.
18) There are thousands of MONSTER entries. No Monster Mash, though (there are thousands of surname entries for MASH). There are no "Boris Pickett" persons, but there are some entries for BOBBY PICKETT.
19) There are hundreds of SKULL surname entries.
20) There are scores of SPIRIT entries. There are a few entries for a Holy Spirit with a spouse named Mary, with a child.
21) There are hundreds of thousands of surname entries for WEBB, but only a few entries for "Spider WEBB" (all nicknames)
22) There are hundreds of entries for SCREECH surname. And dozens of entries for a given name or nickname of Screech.
23) There are a few entries for HALLOWEEN surname - even a Mary Halloween. There are dozens of given name entries for HALLOWEEN (including maiden names).
24) There are no VAMPIRE surname entries, and a few given name entries.
25) There are thousands of BROOM surname entries.
26) There are scores of BAT surname entries, thousands of BATT surname entries and thousands of BATTY surname entries. There are hundreds of entries for BATTY as a given name.
27) There are no ZOMBIE surname entries or given name entries. Whew!
28) There are thousands of entries for the surname BLOOD.
29) The surname DEATH has thousands of entries.
30) The TRICK surname has thousands of surname entries and TREAT surname has tens of thousands of entries! There are some given name entries for Tricky, but no Tricky Treat.
31) The surname WARLOCK has some entries, but there are a few given name entries.
32) There are a few surname entries for WEREWOLF, both married to the same Lucky guy!
33) There are hundreds of surname entries for BOO, and hundreds of given name entries for BOO, and dozes of entries named Booboo.
34) There are a few surname entries for GREMLIN.
Enough!! What other Hallowe'en oriented surnames can you think of?
John D. Reid posted some Hallowe'en names and occupations in Halloween fun from in 2009.
John Newmark had some Hallowe'en names in Friday Five in 2007.
Did I miss a post on Hallowe'en names? If so, please tell me and I'll add it to my list.
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