This week's document for transcription is the 1802 will of Frederick Houx in the Frederick County, Maryland probate case files.
* Frederick County, Maryland Probate Court Records, Record of Wills, Liber GM3, 1793-1804, image 526 of 639:
* Frederick County, Maryland Probate Court Records, Record of Wills, Liber GM3, 1793-1804, image 527 of 639:The transcription of this document is:
In the Name of God Amen. I Frederick Houx of FrederickCounty being weak in Body and of Sound and Perfect mind and memory
and understanding considering the certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the
time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and to be the
better Prepred to leave this World when it shall please God to call me
home do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner
and form following. First I commend my soul into the hands of
Almighty God and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the
discretion of my beloved Wife anfd after my Debts (if any) and my funeral
charges are paid I Bequeath as follows. I Give & Bequeath unto my
beloved Wife Ann Maria all my property of whatsoever kind or nature
the same may consist for her own proper use and benefit and at her own
disposal in such manner as she may think fit. In Witness whereof
I have hereto set my hand and Affixed my seal this 22'd day of February 1802.
Signed Sealed Published and Delivered by the }
above named Fred'k Houx Testator in }
presence of us who at his request have } Friedrich Houx {seal}
Signed our names as Witnesses thereto }
John McDonald Michael Loehr
Frederick County August 27'th 1802 Then came John McDonald & Michael
Loehr the two Subscribing Witnesses to the aforegoing last will and Testament
of Frederick Houx late of Frederick County Deceased and under Oath on the
Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the Testator therein
named sign and seal this will that they heard him Publish pronounce
and declare he same to be his last will and Testament that at the
time of his signing he was to the best of their Apprehensions of sound
and disposing mind memory and understanding that they respectively
Subscribed their names as Witnesses to this will in the presence and at
the request of the Testator and all in the presence of each Other.
Geo Murdock Reg'r.
The source citation for this will is:
Frederick County, Maryland Wills, Frederick Houx will, written 22 February 1802, recorded 27 August 1802; imaged, "Maryland, Frederick County, probate records, 1744-1983," FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 March 2024; "Frederick > Record of wills, liber GM3, 1794-1803 > images 526-527 of 639; Original data is from Frederick County, Maryland microfilmed by FamilySearch.
This will is a Derivative Source (because it is a court clerk's handwritten record), Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the will of Frederick Houx wirtten 22 February 1802 and recorded 27 August 1802 in Frederick County, Maryland.
Theodorus Friederich Houx (1725-1802) was born 15 September 1725 in Pflummem, Baden-Wurttemburg, the son of Johann Joseph and Maria Magdalena (Schmidt) Houx. He died 14 March 1802 in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland. He married Anna Maria Federhoff (1731-1811) on 15 May 1753 in Lomensheim, Baden-Wurttemburg. They had 15 children:
* Margaretha Elisabetha Houx (1754-1818), married 1776 Johannes Gebhardt (1750-1832).
* Daniel Houx (1757-1832).
* George Jacob Houx (1758-1832), married 1782 Catherine Schulzin (1760-1802).
* Matthias Houx (1759-1831), married 1781 Susan Morgenstern (1759-1848).
* Anna Margaretta Houx (1761-1856), married 1781 Johannas Conrad Engelbrecht (1758-1819).
* Johannes Houx (1763-????).
* Joseph houx (1767-1774).
* Maria Magdalena Houx (1768-1850), married 1785 Martin Carringer (1758-1835).
Martin N. Seward was appointed administrator, commissioned an inventory, had a guardian appointed for the two minor children, sold personal and real property, paid off and collected debts, filed an account, and the estate file was closed in 1866. Each of the six living heirs-at-law received $260.70, a one sixth part of the total estate of $1,594.23.
I am a 3rd cousin 5 times removed to Samuel Ross Seaver (1806-1864), with the common Seaver ancestor being my 7th great-grandfather Joseph Seaver (1672-1754).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions of records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
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