Saturday, March 9, 2024

Mondays With Myrt Starts Again on Monday, 11 March at 12 noon ET, 9 a.m. PT, 1600 UTC

This is wonderful news from DearMYRTLE (AKA Pat Richley-Erickson) - she is starting weekly YouTube broadcasts on 11 March 2024 at 12 noon ET, 9 a.m. PT, etc.  This was announced in her blog post Attending the NEW Mondays with Myrt.  

Here is the information about the new program, the upcoming dates and topics, and the panelists:


Here’s how to join Mondays with Myrt on YouTube, watch recordings of previous shows, and find out about our marvelous cadre of panelists.

Most Mondays, DearMYRTLE will begin broadcasting live on YouTube at 12 Noon Eastern US (daylight when applicable).

Eastern (New York) Noon
Central (Chicago) 11:00 am
Mountain (Denver) 10:00 am
Pacific (Seattle) 9:00 am
UTC (GMT) 16:00 am

Tune in to the livestream on Be sure to subscribe and click the “bell” to change notifications to all. Then as soon as something is scheduled or goes live, you will be notified.

The virtual meeting will be automatically recorded on YouTube.

Our first 2024 series runs six weeks as follows:

11 March – RootsTech Rehash, Genealogy PI, special guest.
Upcoming Mini-Myrts “Growing my Family Archive Project.”
18 March – Across our desks, Genealogy PI, special guest.
25 March – Across our desks, Genealogy PI, special guest.
1 April – April Fool’s Costume Party & “Foolish Mistakes That Muddled My Research.” Special guest Cyndi of
8 April – Across our desks, Genealogy PI, Special guest.
15 April – Across our desks, Genealogy PI, “Who’s In My Line?”

We will then take a two week break.

Meet Our New & Returning Panelists

We have quite a few panelists owing to their busy professional speaking schedules. You’ll note some appear on stage during the broadcast, while others contribute on the YouTube side to answer attendee questions.

End Notes

1 – AG Accredited by the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists.

2 – CG Those who hold this credential have demonstrated competence in research, analysis, kinship determination, and reporting skills with the Board for Certification of Genealogists.


NOTE: I was a regular panelist on the earlier Mondays With Myrt hosted by Pat and co-hosted by the late Russ Worthington from 2013 to April 2022.  I am happy that Pat has decided to resume the weekly program and asked me to be a panelist.  I look forward to learning from the other panelists, and sharing my own genealogy world view.  

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Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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