Thursday, May 23, 2024

Free Military Records for Memorial Day (24 to 28 May) on MyHeritage

 I received this nformation from Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage today:


Memorial Day in the United States is a time to honor the brave men and women who served for their country, and a day of reflection and gratitude for the sacrifices they made. At MyHeritage, we understand the importance of preserving the memories and stories of these heroes, and we are proud to offer free access to all military records on MyHeritage from May 24–28, 2024.

Search military records for free on MyHeritage

The 673 military record collections on MyHeritage include draft, enlistment, and service records, pension records, and other military documents from the U.S. and abroad. They provide extensive coverage of both world wars and beyond, and can contain details such as birth and death dates, names and addresses of family members, and details about the soldier’s service. In some cases, they may even provide details about physical characteristics like height, weight, and eye color.

Please spread the word so your friends and followers can make the most of this opportunity to explore their family’s military legacy. Read more on our blog post.

Wishing a meaningful Memorial Day to all my American friends.


Disclosure: I receive a complimentary subscription to MyHeritage, and have received other material consideration in past years. I uploaded my autosomal DNA raw data to their DNA product. This does not affect my objective analysis of MyHeritage products.  I am a subscriber to Family Tree Webinars and love it.

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1 comment:

The Surname Scout said...

Well I know what I will be doing this weekend! Thank you for the information, as I had no idea this was going to be available!