This week's document for transcription is the 1682 will of Edmond Freeman (1596-1682) of Sandwich, Plymouth Colony in the Barnstable County, Massachusetts Probate Court records.
* Plymouth Colony, Wills, Inventories, Etc., 1637-1685, Vol. IV, Part II, 5, pages 54-55:
The transcription of this document is:
The Last Will and Testament of Mr. Edmond Freemansen'r exhibited to the Court of his Ma'tie held at Plymouth
the second of November 1682 on the oaths of John Fish
and Nathan Nye as followeth:
The 21 day of June in the year of our Lord one Thou-
sand six hundred eighty and two.
I Edmond Freeman the eldest of that Name in
Sandwich being in a Good measure in helth of body,
and of Capable understnading and memory doe declare
this to be my Last Will and Testament & hereby Re-
nouncing and Makeing void all other and former wills
and Testaments made by mee the said Edmond Freeman
my knowledg or privity.
Item first I Make Constitute and ordaine my
three sonnes Namely my son Edmond Freeman, and
my son John Freeman and Edward Perrey to be my
executors and my daughter Elizabeth Ellis Executrix of
this my Last Will and Testament.
Item my will is that all former Conveyances of
lands by mee Given shall stand and Remaine in
full force and vertue.
Item for the disposing of my estate my ust debts
being first payed, I doe give unto my two sonnes
Namly my son Edmond and my son John Freeman
all my Lands in the Esterly syde of the Lands
Given by mee to my Grandson Mathyas Ellis, on
the same Range to Reun as the said Matthyas his
Land doth, from the North east Corner bound of his
said Land unto the Northerly end of all my Land,
onely provided and accepted that land which is
Called the Rye field, and the Meddow which is Call-
ed hedges Meddow, the which said Rye field
and Hedges Meddow I doe give to my Grandson Thomas Paddy.
Item my lands which are to the west ward and
to the North ward of my Grand son Matthyas Ellis his
land by mee given to him.
All my said westward and Northward Lands
to be devided equally into three parts, and two
of the said three partes I doee Give unto my son
Edward Perrey, and the other said third parte I doe
Give unto my daughter Elizabeth Ellis.
All which above said Given Lands I doe freely Give
unto my abovsaid sonnes and daughter To them and
theire heirs and assigns To have and to hold for ever,
Furthermore, The one haslfe of my Lands att
Wayeranshett I give unto my Grandson Thomas Paddy
To him and his heires and assigns forever.
This is my last Will and Testament by mee --
Edmond Freeman
And a seale
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us
John Fish his mark
Nathan Nye his mark
John Fish and Nathan Nye made oath to this
will in the Court held at Plymouth the second of
November 1682.
The source citation for this deed is:
Plymouth Colony Court, will of Edmond Freeman, dated 21 June 1682, proved 2 November 1682; imaged, "Massachusetts, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991," ( : accessed 4 August 2024), Barnstable County, "Plymouth, Wills, Inventories, Etc., 1637-1685," pages 54-57 (stamped), images 82-83 of 291; original rccords in Barnstable County, Massachusetts Probate Court records, microfilmed by FamilySearch, and indexed by
This will is a Derivative Source (because it is a court clerk copy) with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the disposal of the real property of Edmond Freeman to his children and grandchildren. The will names three children of Edmond Freeman: Edmond Freeman (probably the son of Edmond Freeman (1620-1673)); John Freeman (1627-1719), Elizabeth (Freeman) Ellis (1624-1692), wife of John Ellis. The will also names Edward Perrey (1627-1695), who married Edmond's daughter Mary Freeman (1630-1688), and it names two grandchildren - Matthyas Ellis (a son of Elizabeth (Freeman) Ellis), and Thomas Paddy (a son of Alice Freeman (1619-1651) who married William Paddy). An inventory of the personal and real property was taken on 4 October 1682, and totaled £185, including £165 of real estate, with debts of £12.
Edmond Freeman (1596-1682) was born before 25 July 1596 in Pulborough, Sussex, England, the son of Edmund and Alice (Coles) Freeman. He died before 4 October 1682 in Sandwich, Plymouth Colony when the inventory was taken. Edmond married (1) Bennett Hodsoll (1596-1630) on 16 June 1617 in Cowfold, Sussex, England. She was the daughter of John and Faith (Gratwick) Hodsoll, and died beofre 12 April 1630 in Pulborouogh, Sussex, England. They had 8 children. Edmond Freeman married (2) Elizabeth Raymer (1600-1676) on 10 August 1632 in Shipley, Sussex, England. They had one child.
Edmund and Bennett (Hodsol) Freeman are my 9th great-grandparents through their son John Freeman (1627-1719) who married Mercy Prence (1631-1711) in 1650 in Eastham, Plymouth Colony.
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