Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Seavers in the News -- Frederick W. Seaver's Home In Leominster, Mass. Is Foreclosed Upon in December 1934

 Here is this week's edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.

This week's entry is from the Leominster (Mass.) Daily Enterprise newspaper dated Monday, 19 November 1934, Page 6, Column 2a:

The transcription of the article is:


"By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale conteined in a certain mortgage given by Frederick W. Seaver, married, of Leominster in the County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the Leominster Co-operative Bank a corporation duly established by law and located at Leominster in the County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, dated December 12, 1931, and recorded with Worcester Northern District Registry of Deeds in Book 486, Page 373, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction on the premises
                          TUESDAY, December 18, 1934,
at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon all and singular the premises described in said mortgage.
To wit, "a certain tract of land with the buildings thereon situated in said Leominster on the northwesterly side of Hall Street, being part of lot numbered 1 on a plan of lots made for Steele & Monroe by W P Ray C E and bounded and decribed as follows.
"Beginning at the most southerly corner thereof on said Hall Street at a point distant one hundred fifty-eight and 7/10 (158.7) feet southwesterly from a stone bound at the junction of the westerly line of Academy Road and the northerly line of Hall Street, thence North 31° 33' West by land now or formerly of one Young one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to an angle thence North 55° 18' East fifty-two (52) feet, more or less to an angle thence South 34° 42' East one hundred (100) feet to said Hall Street, thence by said Hall Street South 55° 18' West fifty-eight and 7/10 (58.7)   feet to  the place of beginning Containing fifty-five hundred thirty-five (5535) square feet, more or less.
"Meaning and intending  to ocnvey hereby the same premises conveyed to me by Emilie M Steele, by her deed dated October 3, 1927, and recorded with Worcester Northern District Deeds in Book 450, pasge 427.

"The premises are subject to the building restrictionsdtioned in deed from William J Lamb to Emilie M Steele dated August 3, 1927, and recorded with Worcester Northern District Deeds, Book 448, Page 579.

"The above premises will be sold subject to above mentioned building restrictions also subject to all outstanding tax titles, municipal or other public taxes, assessments or liens, if any.

"Terms of Sale   Five Hundred (500) Dollars to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale, balance on delivery of the deed at banking rooms of the Leominster Co-operative Bank, 12 Main Street Leominster, Massachusetts, within ten days thereafter.

"Other terms to be announced at sale LEOMINSTER CO-OPERATIVE BANK by J. Ward Healey, Treasurer, Present Holder of said Mortgage, 12 Main Street, Leominster, Mass."

The source citation is:

"Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate," Leominster [Mass.] Daily Enterprise newspaper, Monday, 19 November 1934, page 6, column 2, Legal notice of sale of Frederick W. Seaver's real estate; imaged,  OldNews.com   (https://www.oldnews.com : accessed 8 December 2024).

This legal notice by the mortgagee (Leominster Co-operative Bank, J. Ward Healey, Treasurer) of land in Leominster, Massachusetts is to sell at public auction the house and lot at 20 Hall Street in Leominster, Massachusetts owned by Frederick W. Seaver.  The property was purchased by Frederick W. Seaver on 3 October 1927 from Emilie M Steele, and the mortgage was taken on 12 December 1931 with the Leominster Co-operative Bank.

Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) married Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) on 21 June 1900 in Leominster, Massachusetts.  They had seven children, including my father, Frederick Walton Seaver, Jr. (1911-1983).   As a result of this foreclosure, my grandparents moved to an apartment in Leominster at 90 Main Street.  The Great Depression took a toll on my grandparents when my grandfather lost his job in the celluloid industry.

There are over 10,000 Seaver "stories" in my family tree - and this is one of them.   Life happens, accidentally and intentionally, and sometimes a family undergoes hardships.   I am glad that  I can share this story about my grandfather, Frederick Walton Seaver today.  I knew that they lost their home, but dd not know the details of the lot or the dates of purchase and foreclosure.  

You never know when a descendant or relative will find this blog post and learn something about their ancestors or relatives, or will provide more information about them to me.


Disclosure:  I have a complimentary subscription to MyHeritage.com and OldNews.com and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.

Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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