Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
1) Share a recent genealogy find about an ancestor or family, such as a new name, document or even a clue towards cracking a brick wall.
2) Tell us about your recent genealogy find in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook Status post. Please leave a link on this post if you write your own post.
[Thank you to Linda Stufflebean for suggesting this topic - I will probably use it again!]
Here's mine:
I searched my Downloads file (where I put all of my research finds before putting them in Family files) and found this 1611 baptism record for my 8th great-grandfather, Richard Sawtell (1611-1694):
Richard's baptism entry is on the right-hand page, about 40% down from the top of the page:
"Richard Dolema'n alias Sawtell ye Sonne of
John Dolema'n was baptized Apr ye 7th ??? 1611"
The source citation is:
Aller, Somerset, England parish church baptism record, Richard Doleman alias Sawtell baptism, 7 April 1611, son of John Doleman; imaged, "Somerset, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1531-1812," ( : accessed 17 January 2025); Aller > 1560-1653, image 10 of 33; original data in Anglican Parish Registers. Somerset Archives & Local Studies, South West Heritage Trust, Taunton, England.
I did not have a marriage record for the parents of Richard Doleman alias Sawtell but I had a date and place from an index. Here is the record that I found in the same record collection on Ancestry
"John Sawtell als Dolma'n and Agnes Pyttard
werre arried ye ???? [9th?] day of October [1599]"
The source citation is:
Aller, Somerset, England parish church marriage record, John Sawtell als Dolman and Agnes Pyttard marriage entry,, 9 October 1599; imaged, "Somerset, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1531-1812," ( : accessed 17 January 2025); Aller > 1560-1653, image 21 of 33; original data in Anglican Parish Registers. Somerset Archives & Local Studies, South West Heritage Trust, Taunton, England.
Agnes' last name may be Pyttard, Pyffard or Piffard or Pittard. Other researchers say Pittard.
That is a new record for me! I added the image and source citation to my John Sawtell alias Doleman (1570-1622) entry in RootsMagic.
What about the alias in the Sawtell names? I've seen that often in early English records, but don't recall what it is. I asked ChatGPT4 in and got several examples.
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This reminded me I had not written about what I found out earlier this month. See mine at
I'm not sure I actually posted the link here before, so if I did, just delete.
My blog post is at
Funny you should mention recent finds Randy. I will write about mine tomorrow. I love this one you shared. Talk about an old looking document. Awesome!
Here is mine:
I blogged my find at
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