Saturday, January 18, 2025

Added and Updated FamilySearch Historical Record Collections - Week of 11 to 17 January 2025

 Each week, genealogy record collections are added and updated to FamilySearch and listed on the Historical Record Collection list at

As of 17 January 2025, there are 3,417 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 1 from last week):

The added, deleted, new and updated collections this week from FamilySearch are:

--- Collections Added   ---

*  Italy, Lecco, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1911-1947     (; 90 indexed records with 90 record images, ADDED 14-Jan-2025

--- Collections Updated ---

Argentina, Cemetery Records, 1833-2020  (; 1,451,210 indexed records with 839,871 record images (was 1,226,896 records with 839,871 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Argentina, General Censuses, 1806-1827  (; 108,485 indexed records with 2,914 record images (was 108,395 records with 2,913 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Argentina, Jujuy, Civil Registration, 1888-2000 (; 15,751 indexed records with 27,651 record images (was 15,746 records with 27,638 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1961      (; 155,153 indexed records with 102,368 record images (was 150,238 records with 102,368 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Aruba, Civil Registration, 1823-2004    (; 27,524 indexed records with 13,025 record images (was 27,513 records with 12,639 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025

Belgium, Namur, Civil Registration, 1800-1912   (; 921,144 indexed records with 372,768 record images (was 893,808 records with 372,768 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Bolivia, Catholic Church Records, 1566-2020     (; 9,605,352 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 9,587,451 records with 1,649,601 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1799-2024     (; 1,282,311 indexed records with 150,972 record images (was 1,257,895 records with 150,972 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Brazil, Foreigner Files, 1653-2022      (; 448,149 indexed records with 503,494 record images (was 447,733 records with 676,769 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1820-2021     (; 968,003 indexed records with 402,566 record images (was 967,455 records with 402,309 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025

Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-2013     (; 631,827 indexed records with 182,672 record images (was 631,209 records with 182,488 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1810-2022        (; 1,840,553 indexed records with 931,500 record images (was 1,837,151 records with 930,210 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Civil Registration, 1804-2013   (; 6,992,381 indexed records with 5,100,470 record images (was 6,992,381 records with 5,100,470 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Brazil, Sergipe, Catholic Church Records, 1785-1994     (; 1,496,821 indexed records with 273,847 record images (was 1,496,812 records with 273,847 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
California, San Francisco, Area Funeral Home Records, 1835-1981 (; 162,269 indexed records with 193,721 record images (was 161,199 records with 193,721 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025

Cemetery Abstracts      (; 19,987 indexed records with 19,987 record images (was 19,987 records with 19,987 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1633-2015       (; 8,834,500 indexed records with 1,129,324 record images (was 8,834,492 records with 1,129,322 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2019    (; 27,620,628 indexed records with 12,659,776 record images (was 27,620,340 records with 12,659,776 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2023 (; 769,682 indexed records with 893,240 record images (was 769,653 records with 893,216 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Colombia, Migration Records, 1885-2014  (; 1,070,635 indexed records with 977,396 record images (was 1,070,373 records with 977,134 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025

Costa Rica, Civil Registration, 1823-2023       (; 6,209,997 indexed records with 404,718 record images (was 6,209,997 records with 404,718 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994        (; 5,317,663 indexed records with 1,421,761 record images (was 4,918,718 records with 1,421,761 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Cuba, Church Records, 1584-1960 (; 278,197 indexed records with 47,062 record images (was 278,077 records with 47,055 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
El Salvador, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (; 2,794,725 indexed records with 592,191 record images (was 2,768,849 records with 592,191 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
England, Middlesex, Parish Registers, 1539-1988 (; 2,010,667 indexed records with 360,603 record images (was 2,010,667 records with 360,603 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025

France, Guadeloupe, Church Records, 1639-1830   (; 16,068 indexed records with 2,684 record images (was 15,679 records with 2,650 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025
French Polynesia, Civil Registration, 1780-1999 (; 136,915 indexed records with 499,447 record images (was 136,908 records with 526,916 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal, Civil Registration, 1810-1930       (; 254,649 indexed records with 237,397 record images (was 250,939 records with 234,255 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Ghana, Census, 2010     (; 380,319 indexed records with 94,593 record images (was 280,299 records with 72,397 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Guadeloupe, Civil Registration Records, 1792-1872       (; 4,944 indexed records with 1,463 record images (was 4,504 records with 1,345 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025

Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1874-2008     (; 4,629,620 indexed records with 1,486 record images (was 4,626,249 records with 1,486 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017        (; 151,518 indexed records with 26,807 record images (was 149,137 records with 28,402 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025
Hawaii, Probate Packet Records, 1814-1917       (; 72,896 indexed records with 67,816 record images (was 72,888 records with 61,244 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Honduras, Catholic Church Records, 1633-1978    (; 1,854,498 indexed records with 425,330 record images (was 1,849,394 records with 425,330 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Idaho, Bonneville County, Idaho Falls, Rose Hill Cemetery Records, 1800-2007    (; 14,519 indexed records with 14,137 record images (was 14,519 records with 14,137 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025

Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900   (; 8,240,457 indexed records with 291,098 record images (was 8,180,336 records with 288,717 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Italy, Cagliari, Cagliari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1934    (; 63,773 indexed records with 1,791,108 record images (was 63,670 records with 1,791,108 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Italy, Catania, Diocesi di Caltagirone, Catholic Church Records, 1502-1942      (; 3,269 indexed records with 554,541 record images (was 3,269 records with 554,541 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Italy, Genova, Chiavari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941      (; 48,988 indexed records with 650,745 record images (was 44,520 records with 650,745 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025
Italy, Messina, Messina, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1939      (; 25,093 indexed records with 927,560 record images (was 4,503 records with 927,560 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025

Italy, Messina, Patti, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1823-1941        (; 4,605 indexed records with 891,170 record images (was 1,039 records with 891,170 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Italy, Napoli, Torre Annunziata, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1900-1911      (; 9,216 indexed records with 41,398 record images (was 0 records with 41,398 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Italy, Nuoro, Nuoro, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1942  (; 105,523 indexed records with 118,771 record images (was 104,288 records with 118,771 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Italy, Oristano, Oristano, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941    (; 127,764 indexed records with 342,194 record images (was 127,601 records with 342,194 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Italy, Padova, Padova, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1929        (; 44,376 indexed records with 1,745,536 record images (was 10,421 records with 1,745,536 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025

Italy, Ravenna, Ravenna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1943      (; 156,166 indexed records with 1,759,182 record images (was 76,273 records with 1,759,182 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Italy, Rovigo, Rovigo, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1937        (; 678,669 indexed records with 1,082,856 record images (was 671,019 records with 1,082,856 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941      (; 57,264 indexed records with 427,232 record images (was 56,223 records with 427,232 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Martinique, Church Records, 1662-1847   (; 16,693 indexed records with 2,893 record images (was 16,056 records with 2,765 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025
Martinique, Civil Registration Records, 1766-1874       (; 10,033 indexed records with 3,015 record images (was 9,966 records with 2,997 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025

Mexico, Michoacán, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1996   (; 6,215,473 indexed records with 5,283,986 record images (was 6,206,440 records with 5,283,986 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-2009      (; 9,069,532 indexed records with 6,124,553 record images (was 9,069,506 records with 6,124,553 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
New York, Birth Indexes outside of New York City, 1881-1942     (; 2,739,181 indexed records with 78,929 record images (was 2,739,181 records with 78,929 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Norway, Oslo, Census, 1912      (; 41,218 indexed records with 8,996 record images (was 41,218 records with 7,183 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991       (; 3,617,666 indexed records with 1,789,697 record images (was 3,617,655 records with 1,789,697 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025

Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1556-2023        (; 22,419,768 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 22,156,560 records with 4,192,353 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Philippines Civil Registration (National), 1945-1996    (; 2,771,036 indexed records with 20,274,621 record images (was 2,009,652 records with 20,274,621 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-2021 (; 3,339,579 indexed records with 191,547 record images (was 3,339,500 records with 191,547 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025
Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885      (; 563,006 indexed records with 128,317 record images (was 562,910 records with 128,317 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Russia, Samara, Church Books 1748-1934  (; 11,198,102 indexed records with 1,909,956 record images (was 11,131,982 records with 1,909,956 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025

Russia, Tula, Church Books, 1722-1936   (; 3,605,210 indexed records with 950,613 record images (was 3,482,680 records with 922,079 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
Samoa, Vital Records, 1846-1996 (; 91,826 indexed records with 437,094 record images (was 91,826 records with 437,094 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Scotland, Civil Registration, 1855-1875, 1881, 1891     (; 4,463,287 indexed records with 1,270,005 record images (was 4,278,627 records with 1,032,934 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Spain, Madrid, Municipal Census Records, 1910-1945      (; 1,777,197 indexed records with 687,234 record images (was 1,777,197 records with 598,952 images), UPDATED 15-Jan-2025
St. Lucia, Church Records, 1751-1793    (; 3,000 indexed records with 629 record images (was 2,878 records with 602 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025

Ukraine, Mykolaiv, Metrical Books, 1790-1917    (; 159,374 indexed records with 63,562 record images (was 158,371 records with 62,990 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
Ukraine, Poltava, Metrical Books, 1741-1937     (; 1,451,635 indexed records with 406,225 record images (was 1,451,285 records with 406,117 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025
United States Census (Mortality Schedule), 1850-1880    (; 1,356,553 indexed records with 8,724 record images (was 1,356,539 records with 8,724 images), UPDATED 13-Jan-2025
Uruguay, Civil Registration, 1879-2020  (; Index only (1,637,291 records), no images (was 1,625,745 records with 0 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Venezuela, Archdiocese of Barquisimeto, Catholic Church Records, 1634-2018      (; 153,992 indexed records with 64,274 record images (was 153,988 records with 64,272 images), UPDATED 14-Jan-2025

Venezuela, Archdiocese of Mérida, Catholic Church Records, 1654-2015    (; 1,446,456 indexed records with 1,157,611 record images (was 1,446,409 records with 1,157,611 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025
Venezuela, Civil Registration, 1843-2021        (; 1,269,883 indexed records with 586,312 record images (was 1,256,241 records with 586,312 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1912      (; 1,812,578 indexed records with 95,186 record images (was 1,797,254 records with 94,856 images), UPDATED 17-Jan-2025
Zambia, Archdiocese of Lusaka, Church Records, 1908-2019        (; 993,017 indexed records with 181,888 record images (was 992,749 records with 181,815 images), UPDATED 16-Jan-2025
Zimbabwe, Diocese of Masvingo, Catholic Church Records, 1893-2022       (; 587 indexed records with 31,651 record images (was 587 records with 31,621 images), UPDATED 10-Jan-2025

--- Collections with new images ---

Argentina, Military Records, 1911-1936  (; 1 indexed records with 1,040,524 record images (was 1 records with 983,910 images), last updated 31-Oct-2024
Arizona, Santa Cruz, Nogales, Index and Manifests of Alien Arrivals, 1905-1952  (; 502,795 indexed records with 496,137 record images (was 502,795 records with 495,686 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Brazil, Alagoas, Civil Registration, 1876-2023  (; 1 indexed records with 202,393 record images (was 1 records with 200,385 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
Brazil, Maranhão, Civil Registration, 1827-2022 (; 1 indexed records with 133,826 record images (was 1 records with 133,067 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
Brazil, Sergipe, Civil Registration, 1866-2021  (; 1 indexed records with 100,036 record images (was 1 records with 99,826 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024

California, Passenger and Crew Lists at Various Ports, 1907-1957        (; 382,893 indexed records with 292,268 record images (was 382,893 records with 291,362 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
California, Pioneer Migration Index, Compiled 1906-1935 (; 6,651 indexed records with 6,373 record images (was 6,651 records with 6,144 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Colombia, DAS Civil Registration Alphabetic Cards, 1914-2011    (; 1 indexed records with 15,907,895 record images (was 1 records with 15,907,681 images), last updated 25-Nov-2024
Colombia, Diocese of Barranquilla, Catholic Church Records, 1808-2007   (; 220,514 indexed records with 65,139 record images (was 220,514 records with 60,709 images), last updated 06-Nov-2024
England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983 (; 1,108,130 indexed records with 113,618 record images (was 1,108,130 records with 110,108 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024

England, Hampshire, Parish Registers, 1538-1980 (; 1,853,815 indexed records with 140,156 record images (was 1,853,815 records with 97,861 images), last updated 24-Oct-2024
Finland, Passport Registers, 1900-1920  (; 111,359 indexed records with 2,075 record images (was 111,359 records with 1,927 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
France, Calvados, Military Registration Cards, 1867-1921        (; 144,096 indexed records with 127,060 record images (was 144,096 records with 127,046 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Hawaii, Death Records and Death Registers, 1841-1925    (; 138,345 indexed records with 63,139 record images (was 138,345 records with 63,113 images), last updated 10-Jan-2025
Hungary, Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895     (; 18,304,230 indexed records with 1,113,918 record images (was 18,304,230 records with 1,113,102 images), last updated 13-Jun-2024

Hungary, Church Books, 1624-1950        (; 7,603,730 indexed records with 867,097 record images (was 7,603,730 records with 866,998 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
Hungary, Reformed Church Christenings, 1624-1895        (; 6,076,320 indexed records with 312,704 record images (was 6,076,320 records with 312,386 images), last updated 13-Jun-2024
Iowa, Tama County, Tax Records, 1865-1939       (; 373,492 indexed records with 20,595 record images (was 373,492 records with 20,518 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Italy, Ivrea Diocesi di Ivrea, Catholic Church Records, 1474-1950       (; 1 indexed records with 99,994 record images (was 1 records with 99,988 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Torino, Diocese of Torino, Catholic Church Records, 1801-1899    (; 1 indexed records with 270,944 record images (was 1 records with 270,941 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024

Kansas, Swedish Church Records, 1863-1914       (; 19,579 indexed records with 1,558 record images (was 19,579 records with 1,450 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Missouri, Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops, 1863-1865       (; 17,932 indexed records with 5,787 record images (was 17,932 records with 5,780 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Philippines, Neighborhood Census, 1836-1899     (; 3,093,569 indexed records with 120,948 record images (was 3,093,569 records with 91,445 images), last updated 26-Oct-2024
Puerto Rico, San Juan, Cemetery Records, 1888-1988      (; 182,749 indexed records with 82,034 record images (was 182,749 records with 76,088 images), last updated 13-Jun-2024
Sierra Leone, Civil Births and Deaths, 1802-2017        (; 1,099,372 indexed records with 840,484 record images (was 1,099,372 records with 828,449 images), last updated 09-Oct-2024

South Africa, Civil Marriage Records, 1801-1974 (; 2,699,587 indexed records with 2,692,993 record images (was 2,699,587 records with 2,692,981 images), last updated 05-Nov-2024
South Africa, Orange Free State, Probate Records from the Master of the Supreme Court, 1832-1990        (; 639,973 indexed records with 82,306 record images (was 639,973 records with 82,303 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939 (; 99,204,702 indexed records with 3,408,643 record images (was 99,204,702 records with 3,404,743 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
United States, Obituary Records, 2014-2023      (; 1 indexed records with 28,197,661 record images (was 1 records with 28,197,660 images), last updated 22-Jul-2024
United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940  (; 6,932,344 indexed records with 5,611,122 record images (was 6,932,344 records with 5,608,515 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024

Uruguay, Passenger Lists, 1888-1980     (; 3,641,119 indexed records with 155,873 record images (was 3,641,119 records with 142,578 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Virginia, Wills and Deeds, ca. 1700s-2017       (; 1 indexed records with 1,820 record images (was 1 records with 1,126 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024

--- Collections with images removed ---

Alabama, Voter Registration and Poll Tax Cards, 1834-1981       (; 701,385 indexed records with 143,369 record images (was 701,385 records with 147,823 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
Alaska, WWII Statement of Service Records, 1948-1949    (; 8,638 indexed records with 8,507 record images (was 8,638 records with 8,621 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
Arkansas, Military Discharge Records, ca.1860-1970      (; 43,768 indexed records with 11,036 record images (was 43,768 records with 12,408 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
Canada, Census, 1931    (; 2,466,494 indexed records with 2,462,440 record images (was 2,466,494 records with 2,462,708 images), last updated 16-Jun-2024
Colombia, Archivo Distrital de Bogota, Obituary Books, 1900-1940        (; 172,322 indexed records with 27,550 record images (was 172,322 records with 28,224 images), last updated 03-Jan-2025

Colombia, Bogotá, Burial Permits, 1938-1995     (; 231,067 indexed records with 212,731 record images (was 231,067 records with 212,782 images), last updated 05-Nov-2024
Connecticut, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1804-1959        (; 98,790 indexed records with 3,010 record images (was 98,790 records with 6,972 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850       (; 437,710 indexed records with 413,510 record images (was 437,710 records with 413,517 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Dominican Republic, Immigration Records, 1925-1999      (; 42,243 indexed records with 137,702 record images (was 42,243 records with 137,705 images), last updated 07-Nov-2024
Ecuador, Cemetery Records, 1862-2020    (; 992,024 indexed records with 360,567 record images (was 992,024 records with 364,002 images), last updated 05-Nov-2024

Finland, Tax Lists, 1809-1915   (; 966,449 indexed records with 13,284 record images (was 966,449 records with 16,079 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
France, Saône-et-Loire, Parish and Civil Registration, 1530-1892        (; 7,237,342 indexed records with 1,971,400 record images (was 7,237,342 records with 1,973,984 images), last updated 21-Oct-2024
Hawaii, Grantor and Grantee Index, 1845-1916    (; 438,621 indexed records with 21,571 record images (was 438,621 records with 21,572 images), last updated 10-Jan-2025
Idaho, Naturalization Records,  1892-1990       (; 15,873 indexed records with 15,262 record images (was 15,873 records with 15,311 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Minnesota, Waseca County Historical Society, Burial Cards, ca.1860-1992 (; 10,352 indexed records with 10,280 record images (was 10,352 records with 10,282 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024

New York, State Death Index, 1880-1956  (; 4,749,222 indexed records with 84,724 record images (was 4,749,222 records with 84,783 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Scandinavia, Mission Emigration Records, 1852-1920      (; 27,406 indexed records with 510 record images (was 27,406 records with 893 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
South Africa, Civil Death Registration, 1953-1967       (; 1,221,606 indexed records with 1,226,745 record images (was 1,221,606 records with 1,226,757 images), last updated 05-Nov-2024
South Carolina, County Marriage Licenses, 1911-1953     (; 737,889 indexed records with 662,984 record images (was 737,889 records with 663,046 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Texas, Manifests of Permanent and Statistical Alien Arrivals at El Paso, 1924-1954      (; 80,992 indexed records with 79,820 record images (was 80,992 records with 79,890 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024

United States City and Business Directories, ca. 1749 - ca. 1990        (; 64,961,936 indexed records with 911,302 record images (was 64,961,936 records with 926,828 images), last updated 20-Dec-2024
United States, Census, 1950     (; 52,785,233 indexed records with 52,640,949 record images (was 52,785,233 records with 52,645,364 images), last updated 16-Jun-2024
United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940 (; 7,193,829 indexed records with 368,773 record images (was 7,193,829 records with 386,922 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
United States, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Applications, 1800-1900        (; 6,959,032 indexed records with 3 record images (was 6,959,032 records with 6,959,032 images), last updated 20-Sep-2019
Uruguay, Civil Registration Index Card, 1900-1937       (; 2,592,800 indexed records with 661,555 record images (was 2,592,800 records with 669,837 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024

Virginia, Vital Records, 1853-1934      (; 2,064,673 indexed records with 107,149 record images (was 2,064,673 records with 107,757 images), last updated 30-Jul-2024

--- Collections with records removed ---

Brazil, São Paulo, Immigration Cards, 1902-1980 (; 2,319,337 indexed records with 4,039,657 record images (was 2,319,338 records with 4,039,657 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
California, Birth Index, 1905-1995      (; Index only (24,589,426 records), no images (was 24,589,429 records with 0 images), last updated 01-Mar-2012
United States, Public Records, 1970-2009        (; Index only (875,609,756 records), no images (was 875,609,765 records with 0 images), last updated 01-Jun-2024
United States, Residence Database, 1970-2024    (; Index only (413,877,595 records), no images (was 413,877,602 records with 0 images), last updated 22-Jun-2024
Virginia, Marriage Certificates, 1936-1989      (; 2,510,414 indexed records with 137,344 record images (was 2,510,415 records with 137,344 images), last updated 11-Jul-2024


My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED, and to alphabetize the entries in each category. Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!

Marshall notes that there are:

*  0 removed entries
*  1 added entries 
*  75 updated entries
*  63 entries with more or fewer images or records

The FamilySearch website says 3417 total entries on the list. Marshall's list says 3417.  In sync!

In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.

Each of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.


Copyright (c) 2025 Randall J. Seaver

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