This Indenture made in du-
plicate the sixteenth day of June one thousand eight him-
dred and ninety - three in pursuance of the act respecting
Short Forms of Mortgages :
Between Alexander Sovereen of the Town-
ship of Windham in the County of Norfolk and Province
of Ontario Farmer hereinafter called the Mortgagor of
the first part Elizabeth Sovereen of the same place the
wife of the said Alexander Soverie of the second
part and Dent Dalton of the Township of Windham in
the said County of Norfolk Farmer hereinafter called
the Mortgagee of the third part.
Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of
one thousand dollars of lawful money of Canada now
paid by the said Mortgagee to the said Mortgagor ( the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged ) he the said Mortgagor
[page 515]
doth Grant and Mortgage unto the said Mortgagee his heirs ,
executors , administrators and assigns for ever .
All and Singular those certain parcels or tracts
of land and premises situate , lying and being in the Township
of Windham in the County of Norfolk and Province of On-
tario containing collectively by admeasurement forty eight
and one half acres of land be the same more or less and
being composed Firstly of the West Thirty acres of the North
Half of Lot Number Twenty in the Twelfth concession of
the said Township of Windham and being composed secondly of
a central part of Lot Number Twenty one in the Eleventh
Concession of the said Township of Windham which last-
mentioned parcel of land is bounded as follows that is to say
Commencing at a stone set in the easterly limit of the
main road leading to the Village of Scotland and in the
Southerly limit of the North fifty acres of the said Lot number
Twenty one thence bounding on the Southerly limit of said
road south about seven degrees West seventeen chains and
seven links to a stone set thence North seventy eight degrees
and thirty minutes east eleven chains and thirty four
links thence parallel to the said main road about North seven
degrees east seventeen chains and seven links to a stake
set in the Southern limit of said fifty acres and thence
south seventy eight degrees and thirty minutes west
eleven chains thirty four links to the place of beginning ,
said last mentioned parcel of land containing by ad-
measurement eighteen and one half acres of land more
or less .
Provided this mortgage to be void on payment of the
sum of one thousand dollars of lawful money of Canada
with interest thereon at seven per cent per annum as follows .
The said principal sum of one thousand dollars is to become
due and payable at the expiration of five years from the
date of this Indenture with interest at the rate aforesaid
payable in the meantime annually and interest at the
same rate on any principal or interest money which shall
at any time be overdue and in arrears with the privilege
to the Mortgagor of paying the whole of the said principal
money at the expiration of the second of said five years ,
and taxes and performance of statute labour .
The said Mortgagor covenants with the said
Mortgagee that the Mortgagor will pay the mortgage
money and interest and observe the said proviso that the
Mortgagor has a good title in fee simple to the said lands
And that he has the right to convey the said lands to the
[page 516]
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