Monday, February 3, 2025

Randy's Genealogy Pot-Pourri - Week Ending 2 February 2025

 Here are the highlights of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week (ending Sunday, 2 February 2025).  

1)  Attended the CVGS General Meeting on Wednesday with about 50 in attendance.  Teresa Steinkamp McMillin was the speaker on Naturalization Records. 

2)  Attended the San Diego Genealogical Society DNA Study Group meeting on Saturday, led by Colin Whitney.  Kathleen Fernandes presented an Overview of DNA tools and techniques. 

3)  Went through the RootsTech 2025 Schedule and selected the Online classes I want to watch during and after RootsTech.  I added about 40 classes to "My Schedule."

4)  Transcribed the 1893 Mortgage Indenture of Aleander and Elizabeth Sovereen to Dent Dalton for Land in Norfolk County, Ontario for the Amanuensis Monday theme. 

5)  Wrote a genealogical sketch for my 2nd Great-GrandAunt Sarah (Richman) Thompson (1814-1891) of Hilperton, Wiltshire for the 52 Relatives theme.

6) Curated genealogy-related articles in Genealogy News Bytes - Week of 22 to 28 January 2025Genealogy Education Bytes - Week of 23 to 29 January 2025, and Best of the Genea-Blogs - 26 January to 1 February 2025 to keep myself and my readers updated on the genealogy world.

7)  Requested free AI tools to:
  • Created several more Google NotebookLM Audio Overviews and text summaries based on ancestor genealogical sketches.
8)  Requested free AI tools to create a poem and song lyrics for my 2nd great-grandmoher, Rebecca (Spangler) Carringer (1832-1901), and had create a song using the lyrics.  I posted the poem created by Grok and the song lyrics by Claude Sonnet 3.5, and the Suno song MP4, in "Rebecca, Pioneer Woman" -- A Family History Poem and Song Created by Artificial Intelligence.

9)  My AncestryDNA now has 47,967 DNA matches (up 67 from 26 January) with 2032 "close" matches today (up 2), with 1 new ThruLines.  I added Notes to 4 Matches, and added 1 new DNA match line to RootsMagic.   MyHeritageDNA now has 13,217 DNA matches (up 22 from 26  January) for me.  Reviewed the new DNA matches on AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe.  

10)  Occasionally matched RootsMagic 10 profiles to FamilySearch Family Tree.  I have matched 52,279 of my RootsMagic persons with FamilySearch Family Tree profiles (up 8).  

11)  Searched for more records of ancestral families on Ancestry, FamilySearch and MyHeritage, downloaded record images to my digital file folders, and added research notes, events and sources to RootsMagic profiles.  My RootsMagic family tree now has 74,055 profiles (up 15 from last week) and 147,352 source citations (up 5).  Added more short biographical sketches to ancestors and edited historical place names for a number of families. 

12) Wrote 20 Genea-Musings blog posts last week (Sunday through Saturday), of which three were a press release. The most viewed post last week was "DJ's Journey" -- A Family History Poem and Song Created by Artificial Intelligence with over 352 views.  Genea-Musings had about 65,200 page views last week and over 355,000 views over the past month.  

13)  Real life events:  Visited Linda several days at her memory care facility and we played Uno.  Went to the grocery store on Monday and Friday.  Went to the cardiologist on Monday and things look pretty good.  Went to the health care lab for blood tests before my doctor visit this week.  Attended the church men's Bible Study on Saturday.  I'm still reading Rooster Bar by John Grisham.  My SDSU Aztecs were 2-0 in college basketball, so are now 15-5.  


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