Friday, March 5, 2010

Follow Friday - Creative Gene

It's Follow Friday - time for a look at one of my favorite blogs.

The Creative Gene blog is authored by Jasia, the beautiful and mysterious photographer from Detroit and now St. Joseph, Michigan. Jasia is of Polish ancestry, and claims that her ancestral research is completed.

Jasia's Creative Gene blog was started in March 2006, and is best known for hosting almost all of the Carnival of Genealogy. There have been 90 editions of this Carnival, comprised of genealogy-related blog posts on a specific topic, published twice a month (starting summer 2006). In the early days of genealogy blogging, the Carnival was the main "community-building" event for genea-bloggers. The really neat thing about starting and participating in the Carnival was that the topics emphasized family history, photographs and stories and we all got to know each other as colleagues and friends rather than as competitors. Jasia did it!

But Creative Gene is more than the Carnival of Genealogy - on her blog, Jasia shares her family stories and comments on genealogy research. Jasia is one of the genea-bloggers that I haven't met in person, but she's on my genea-blogger bucket list! Of course, I won't recognize her, unless she's holding her camera up to her face.

If, by some chance, you don't have Creative Gene on your blog reader, please go visit and add Creative Gene to your reading. You will totally enjoy her blog.


Anonymous said...

I talk about Follow Friday and how I'm not a fan - video

Jasia said...


Thank you for your very, very kind words for the Creative Gene blog Randy! It was so nice of you to feature my blog in your Follow Friday series. I'm honored and appreciative!