Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Menu at the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe

Have you checked in recently at the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe, the blog of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society?

Posts this past week have included:

* 2/24 CVGS Program Summary - Margaret Lewis -- we had our monthly program meeting on Wednesday, 24 February. Margaret spoke on "Right Name, Wrong Man -- Wrong Name, Right Man."

* CVGS 2009 Annual Report -- CVGS writes a one-page report to summarize the year - read the one for 2009. Do any other societies do this? It makes an excellent historical summary.

* CVGS - Doin' Things Right! - Ahnentafel Lists -- the entry for the new Carnival of Genealogy Societies. CVGS has members' Ahnentafel lists online for other researchers to find through online searches.

* 2009 CVGS Program List -- a list of the speaker programs provided by CVGS to the San Diego genealogy community in 2009.


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