Sunday, March 25, 2007

CVGS meeting on Monday - Photo Dating

My local society, the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, has a meeting on Monday, 26 March at 10 AM at the Chula Vista Civic Center Library (365 F Street in CV). This is our regular monthly meeting, which includes a sign-in time, a short business meeting, a 60 minute presentation, and a social hour.

The speaker will be Claire Santos-Daigle, a local entrepreneur who has a business called "Photos Made Perfect." Her talk will be about "Photograph Dating and Interpretation." We have had Claire speak to us before and she is informative and entertaining.

If San Diego area readers want to attend, you are most welcome at all of our meetings and activities.

[Musings note -- looking at the title of this post, we might get some interesting folks at the meeting if they don't realize it's genealogy and not hooking up. But then it is a Monday morning.]

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