Sunday, April 29, 2007

Genea-blogging next week

It looks like genealogy blogging next week may be light for me.

Monday, April 30, is the "Blogging Day of Silence" in honor of the Virginia Tech shooting victims. A genea-blogging free day? Probably not - some won't get the message, I fear.

Thursday, May 3 - Linda and I fly to Massachusetts for my Aunt Gerry's memorial service at 11 AM on Saturday in Leominster MA. I will have the laptop with me, and will probably have Internet access at the hotel, but I don't know how much genea-blogging I will do through Saturday.

Sunday, May 5 - we fly home this day from Massachusetts. And get ready to go to Santa Cruz on Tuesday for a week with the grandsons.

I'm not sure if I will get much genealogy research done in Massachusetts due to the compressed schedule. I want to get more pictures of family homes in the Leominster area - I have several more addresses now. I also want to go up to Ashburnham again and see if I can find my Aunt Marion's grave there. Then there is the library and school yearbooks, newspaper articles, etc.

There is a possibility that I will become the "keeper" of my aunt's family papers and photographs. If I am, then I will scan them all and share them on CDs with my cousins later in the year. Another task to do - but exploring the family treasures is always FUN!


Christina | said...

A genea-blogging free day? Probably not - some won't get the message, I fear.

I don't think just because we blog today that it means we don't get the message. I grew up in Virginia, would have gone to VaTech if I had gotten in, and was very close to someone who only through luck or whatever survived the day. It's dominated my thoughts every day since it happened, I've cried for my friends, and personally, I don't see how a day of blogging silence helps the victims and families.

I'm not offended by the fact that others want to do it, (and don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by your statement either), I just think you should think twice before judging the motives of those of us who decide not to observe the day of blogging silence.

Christina | said...

Oops! I messed up entering my link. I decided to repost the entry to my genealogy blog anyway, which you can find here, if you're interested.

Randy Seaver said...


I read your post, and am very sorry for your friend's loss and I know it affects you.

My intent wasn't to be judgmental - it was just a comment that some bloggers would not be aware of the significance of it. I didn't consider the alternative. My comment was expressed poorly, I think.
