Sunday, September 23, 2007

Best of the Genea-Blogs: Week of September 16, 2007

Here is my short list of the "best" posts from the genealogy blogs that I read (my list in Bloglines is up to 180) for the week of September 16-22. My criteria are pretty loose - I pick those that are important to me as a researcher or a blogger, are helpful or are funny. They are in no particular order:

* "Interfacing With NFS - Part One" by Renee Zamora on her Renee's Genealogy Blog. This post describes how New FamilySearch (NFS) is coordinating with several software developers so that the software can query the New FamilySearch databases.

* "A New Genealogical Project: HARP" by Craig Manson on his Geneablogie blog. This describes Craig's new project - the Historical Appellate Review Project (HARP) - to investigate historical cases of ne'er do well ancestors and judge if they deserve a historical pardon or not.

* "Ancestry, Don't Miss the Train - Part 1" on the Ancestry Insider blog has good advice for about communicating with researchers. This is the first of a multi-part series.

* "Funny Genealogy: My Fam Can-Can" by Janice Brown on her Cow Hampshire blog. This post challenged genea-bloggers to demonstrate their humor gene, and a whole lot of us did! Janice has the list.

* "Poland, A Holocaust Mystery UPDATE" by Schelly Talalay Dardashti on her Tracing the Tribe blog. This post refers to an AP story about a girl who discovers a photo album with pictures from World War II. Moving. Sad. A challenging research project.

* "... and tenderly kissed the picture..." on the how to survive suburban life blog. I enjoy reading articles like this from this Hungarian expatriate now living in British Columbia. She is such a good writer and we get to know her Hungarian and Canadian families, all by their nicknames!

* "Where Will Your Stuff Go?" by Michael John Neill on his blog. This is something we all have to face at some time - how do we keep what's important, share with our families, and let go of the rest?

* " 'An Impetuosity in his Temper' But 'An Honest Rectitude': Jonathan Dayton at the Constitutional Convention" by Tim Abbott at his Walking the Berkshires blog. This is a wonderful biography of an obscure and important patriot.

That's my short list for this week. If I've missed a "great one" please let me know.

It's been a bad day here in the Genea-cave: my Chargers lost this morning, my Padres lost this afternoon, the dinner out was poor, and when we got home my car had two flat tires (neighbor kids?). Tomorrow is our CVGS meeting so I probably won't be able to blog until late afternoon.

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