DearMYRTLE, Dick Eastman, Leland Meitzler and probably others have listed the ISFHWE award winners from last night's Banquet and Awards Dinner at the National Genealogical Society Conference in Kansas City.
The Winners of the 2008 International Society of Family History Writers and Editors Excellence in Writing Contest are:
Category I - Newspaper Columns
** First Place: Mary Alice Dell, "Land Ho" - link.
** Second Place: Julie Miller, "Dear Lucy, Love Phil: A Cotton Family Legacy" - link.
** Third Place: Mary Penner, "Union Vets Joined Posts Across Nation" - link.
Category II - Articles
** First Place: Colleen Fitzpatrick, "Clues Left Around a House" - link
** Second Place: Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak: "Found! Serial Centenarians" - link
** Third Place: Schelly Talalay Dardashti: "Planting the Family Tree" - link.
Category III - Original Research Story
** First Place: Hazlehurst Smith Beezer, "Dr. James Hill: Skeleton in the Hall Family Closet"
** Second Place: Terry R. Barnhart, "Unraveling the Mystery in Ginghamsburg"
** Third Place: Nancy Waters Lauer, "When a Brick Wall Crumbles Onto the Wrong Path"
Category IV - Want-to-Be Writer/Columnist
** First Place: Debra A. Hoffman, "Bricks & Mortality"
** Second Place: Harold Henderson, "City Directories as Clue Factories"
** Third Place: J.H. Fonkert, "Celebrate Minnesota's History by Starting Your Own"
I want to add my congratulations to these writers for earning these awards in competition with their peers. I note that there are several genealogy bloggers on the list, including Schelly Talalay Dardashti, Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak, and Harold Henderson.
When they make these awards, I would really appreciate that they would note where these efforts have been published - the book, newspaper, periodical or web site. The only one I've read is Megan's in Ancestry magazine.
UPDATE 5/19: Gary in Comments provided links to some of these works. I've added them to the list above. Thanks, Gary! I looked for the others and didn't find them online.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Hi, Randy,
Thanks for the mention.
I asked the same question of ISFHWE - please supply the publications and dates for published entries. I was told I'd get them when the team returned home from the NGS conference.
FYI, "Planting the Family Tree" appeared in the Jerusalem Post, (print/online edition) September 18, 2007. I frequently write for the Post on all aspects of genealogy.
See you in June in Burbank.
I got curious myself about these articles, so I did a little digging to see if any are viewable. I did not have any luck with any of the Category 3 & Category 4 entries, but I did find all the others. Hope these URLs show up correctly. Enjoy!
ISFHWE awards
Category I-Newspaper Columns
First Place: Mary Alice Dell, "Land Ho"
Second Place: Julie Miller, "Dear Lucy, Love Phil: A Cotton Family Legacy"
Third Place: Mary Penner, "Union Vets Joined Posts Across Nation"
Category II-Articles
First Place: Colleen Fitzpatrick, "Clues Left Around a House"
Second Place: Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak: "Found! Serial Centenarians"
Third Place: Schelly Talalay Dardashti: "Planting the Family Tree"
Well, much to my chagrin, looks like some of the URLs were cut-off. Hopefully, you can figure out where to look on your own.
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