The end of a year brings award nominations. Genea-Musings has been awarded the Best Daily Genealogy Blog by Tamura Jones at (you need a real browser, Tamura says - I'm using Firefox and Chrome to read his web site) in his article titled GeneaBlog Awards, dated 20 December 2008.
Tamura's comment is:
"Best Daily Genealogy Blog: Genea-Musings
An easy win for Randy Seaver, as Genea-Musings is practically the only daily genealogy blog. There is the MosGA Messenger, but there is whole team behind that one. Randy is a one-man geneablogging machine.
While others struggle to come up with one or two new posts per week, Randy easily manages one or two posts each day - even when he is on vacation! In fact, he actually writes multiple blogs, one of which is aptly called The Geneaholic."
The other genealogy blogs recognized by Tamura include:
* Best Genealogy Society Blog: MoSGA Messenger
* Best Daily Genealogy Blog: Genea-Musings
* Deepest Genealogy Development blog: Louis Kessler's Behold Blog
* Best Commercial Genealogy Blog: The RootsMagic blog
* Best Genealogy Software News Blog: Geneanet Genealogy Blog
* Best Genetic Genealogy Blog: The Genetic Genealogist
* Best Genealogy on MacOS Blog: MacGenealogist
* Best Blog: 24-7 Family History Circle
* Funniest Genealogy Blog: The Genealogue
Please go visit Tamura's web site and the GeneaBlog Awards article to read what he has to say about each blog.
Tamura also has a recent article on his site titled GeneAwards 2008 which addresses best and worst genealogy product, new genealogy product and genealogy organization.
I thank Tamura Jones for the recognition of Genea-Musings and appreciate his kind words in the award.
I congratulate all of the winners of Tamura's genealogy blog awards - each is deserving and contributes significantly to the genea-blogging world.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Congratulations, Randy, on this well-deserved award!
Way to go Randy! Congratulations!
Wishing you the best blogging year ever in 2009.
Terry Thornton
Fulton, Mississippi
Congrats on your award. I was glad to see that my blog, MoSGA Messenger, got the society award, but the presenter seems to be unaware that I am "the whole team behind MoSGA Messenger." I've added every single post to the blog since its creation on 4 November 2007.
Happy holidays,
Tom Pearson
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