Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Family Photographs - Post 42: Lyle in 1908

I'm posting old family photographs from my collection on Wednesdays, but they won't be wordless posts like others do - I simply am incapable of having a wordless post.

This photograph is from my grandfather's photo album that I scanned during Scanfest last month (looks like I need to crop it a bit on the right, eh?):

The note on the back of the photo indicates that it was taken at Mr. A.O. Garlock's home in Escondido in 1908. The persons in the picture are identified as (clockwise from top left):

* Roscoe Martin
* Fern Martin
* Elwood Garlock
* Lyle Carringer
* Florence Prout (?)
Taken by Mary Russ.

In this picture, Lyle is age 16 (born in November 1891) and still looks like a young teenager.

I have no other pictures of the other people. My guess is that they lived in Escondido (about 35 miles north of San Diego and about 20 miles inland east of Carlsbad) and were friends and neighbors of the Garlocks. At least one of the Garlocks lived in the Carringer's neighborhood in San Diego in the 1930 time frame - they are mentioned in Della's 1929 Journal occasionally.

This picture was in the album of Lyle L. Carringer (1891-1976), was handed down in 1977 to his daughter, Betty Virginia (Carringer) Seaver, and then to me in 1988.

Isn't this an interesting picture? Look at the big cowboy hats on the two older guys and the standing girl. And the hat on the seated girl. Lyle doesn't look very comfortable, does he, seated next to sweet-looking Florence?


Terri said...

Love that mustache - it almost looks fake......... Great picture!

Cindy said...

This is a fantastic shot! One of the best I've ever seen! Thanks so much for sharing it.


Lyle looks like he can't wait for this painful chore to be over. I had to laugh at your being "simply incapable" of a wordless post. :)

A good picture makes you wonder about the people in the picture. Why was the picture taken? What happened next? Did they have happy lives? This picture does all that and more. Thanks for sharing.