Kory Meyerink MLS, AG, FUGA, has compiled the 2009 list of the 50 most popular genealogy web sites - they are listed here. He presented the list at the BYU Computerized Genealogy Conference held on March 13 and 14.
I didn't see many surprises on the list. http://www.ancestry.com/ is number 1, and The Generations Network has #2 (Genealogy.com), #4 (Rootsweb), #5 (MyFamily) and #21 (FamilyTreeMaker) slots also. http://www.footnote.com/ is #9 and http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/ is #13. No genealogy blogs made the list.
I was surprised to see http://www.genebase.com/ at #18 and www.FamilyTreeDNA.com at #26. The other surprise to me was that http://www.usgennet.org/ was #15 while http://www.usgenweb.com/ was #30.
The big movers on the Top 50 were http://www.geni.com/ moving from #18 to #8; Linkpendium from #35 to #24; http://www.censusfinder.com/ from #40 to #29; http://www.usgenweb.com/ from #49 to #30; http://www.usgenweb.com%20from%20/#49 breaking onto the chart at #35.
Read the whole list! David Lifferth has up-to-date rankings from Alexa on his web site http://www.genealogymetrics.com/ that are somewhat different from the Meyerink Top 50 list.
Hat tip to the WorldVitalRecords blog for alerting us to the Top 50 list.
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