Two new Daily Blogging Prompts were announced yesterday by Thomas MacEntee on the Geneabloggers blog in the post The Importance of Daily Blogging Themes.
The new prompts are:
* Follow Friday -- this theme has been suggested by Earline Bradt of Ancestral Notes and it is a take off on the popular #FollowFriday meme on Twitter. The concept: recommend another blogger, a specific blog post or a genealogy resource to the genealogy community. If you've found something or someone helpful, post about it/them and tell others why they should be followed.
* Surname Saturday - this too started out as a Twitter meme as a way to get surname out so others on Twitter could see them. For this new blogging theme, the concept is: Post about one or more of your surnames - talk about the origins, talk about their geographic locations, etc. Anything that would help you bring more attention to the surname, especially if you have hit a brick wall or need assistance with research.
Both daily prompts are worthwhile for our geneablogging community. The Follow Friday prompt provides encouragement and accolades to worthy blogs and posts. The Surname Saturday prompt helps bloggers get their work online so that others might be able to help them.
Thomas will have Follow Friday and Surname Saturday summaries each week on the Geneabloggers blog. For example, the Follow Friday October 23, 2009 post will include all blog posts that have "Follow Friday" in the post titles.
For my first Follow Friday post, let me point you at James Tanner's Genealogy's Star blog. This blog has become a must-read for me every day. I appreciate and respect James's unique stature and experience as an attorney, as an LDS FHC volunteer, and as a genealogy researcher.
Here are links to the last five posts (as of tonight) on Genealogy's Star:
* New FamilySearch roll-out -- nearing the end
* Parade of States --- online digital genealogy resources -- Washington
* Genealogical software connections to New FamilySearch
* Problems With Updates to Record Search
* Genealogical proof or merely evidence?
I recommend that you add Genealogy's Star to your genea-blog reading list if you haven't done so already.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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