Thursday, November 12, 2009

October 2009 New England HistGen Register contains American Ancestors Journal

The New England Historic Genealogical Society released the October 2009 issue of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and it has an additional set of pages for the first issue of American Ancestors Journal.

The announcement noted:

"New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) announces the launch of a new scholarly publication, American Ancestors Journal, to be included in the October 2009 issue of The New England Historical and Genealogical Register.

This new annual supplement will include valuable information outside of New England, including New York state and other regions popular with families migrating out of New England. American Ancestors Journal is automatically included with NEHGS membership, and will be available in both print and paperless PDF formats.

"D. Brenton Simons, NEHGS President and CEO, said, 'The creation of this new vehicle for communicating valuable scholarship beyond New England will serve our geographically diverse audience with first rate content and, at the same time, broaden our institutional reach.'

"American Ancestors Journal will provide readers genealogical content of national scope, with an emphasis on New York State and out migrations from New England. This first installment is thirty-six pages and future issues may be longer. The editors are Henry B. Hoff and Helen Schatvet Ullmann, who are also the editor and associate editor of the Register, respectively."

The Table of Contents for the October 2009 issue (Volume 163, Number 4, Whole Number 652) of the NEHGR includes:

* page 243 -- Editorial
* page 245 -- Peter and Jane (_____) Freeman of Ipswich, Massachusetts, and Their Descendants in Maine: An African-American Family, by Bruno Giles
* page 253 -- The Origin of Gabriel1 Whelden of Yarmouth and Malden, Massachusetts, by Jan Porter and Daniel F. Stramara, Jr.
* page 262 -- Identifying Anna Wheeler of Stonington, Connecticut (1675–1714), as the First Wife of Jeremiah Halsey of Southampton, Long Island, by Mary M. Thacher
* page 268 -- Nathaniel Porter (1692–1758) of Farmington and Bethlehem, Connecticut, and His Family, by Bryson Caldwell Cook and Janet Stacey Porter (continued from 163:182)
* page 273 -- Revised Ancestry for William Moulton of Hampton, New Hampshire, Including Some Revisions of the Early Ancestry of His New England Cousins, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (concluded from 163:173)
* page 278 -- Humphrey Blake (1494?–1558) and His Descendants in New England and South Carolina: Blake, Richards, Selleck, Torrey, and Wolcott, by Clifford L. Stott (continued from 163:211)
* page 296 -- Hawks Family Record - Additions and Corrections
* page 297 -- Additions and Corrections

* page 300 -- Index of Subjects in Volume 163
* page 303 -- Index of Persons in Volume 163
* page 345 -- Annual Table of Contents of Volume 163

* page 349 -- American Ancestors Journal, First Annual Supplement to the Register, Table of Contents
* page 351 -- Editorial
* page 353 -- Revolutionary War Captain Cornelius Wiltsie of Pittstown, New York, by Abbott Lowell Cummings
* page 368 -- Jonathan Wood (1747–1820) of Little Compton, Rhode Island, and Dutchess County, New York, by Michael M. Wood
* page 372 -- The Tudor Family of Barbados, Boston, New York City, Newport, and Bermuda, by Henry B. Hoff
* page 380 -- Index of Persons

It is unclear to me if the American Ancestors Journal will be part of every issue of NEHGR or if it is a once a year addition. It certainly is worthy of being published on a quarterly basis as long as there is qualified material submitted for editing and publication.

My purpose in posting the Tables of Contents of this journal is to get the article titles on the Internet so that they can be found by search engines.

There are several articles of immediate interest to me - my Cape Cod ancestry of Elizabeth Dill (1794?-1869) probably has Gabriel Whelden in it (my problem is with Elizabeth's parents...), and several of the additions and corrections touch my Carpenter and Kent families, and perhaps Jones as well. I also checked the person index for Seaver, Sever, Dill, Hildreth and several other surnames, and saw nothing that I had missed earlier.
Disclosure: I am not an employee, contractor or affiliate of NEHGS, but am a fully-paid member of the Society. I receive my journals by PDF file downloaded from the NewEnglandAncestors website.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Saw your comment on Eliza (beth) Horton Dill and read your postings on her. I was at the NEHGS library today and thought I would look into it. Thomas Dill leaves no probate at Barnstable Co. However, in 1821 a Thomas Dill was placed in guardianship for spendthrift. Didn't look at that although it could be that Thomas was getting senile and his kids had to reel him in. NEHGS doesn't have the Barnstable deeds but they exist after 1827 (when the fire happened), so a good quitclaim deed may be in the offing for you.

IMHO, after looking at this, I don't see why you are hesitant in thinking that the Eliza H. Dill wife of Alpheus Smith is the same as the daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Horton) Dill. The key document(s) that tie it together are her birth record and her church admission in Dedham. That record is the key. It calls her Elizabeth Horton Dill of Eastham. The age discrepancy is minor. She shaves off two years herself between 1850 and 1860. Her gravestone differs from her death record. All of which doesn't stray far (plus/minus two or three years) from the birth record.

People didn't pick middle names out of a hat. That Horton middle name means something. I'm sure you realize you have three Mayflower lines behind her (two to Stephen Hopkins and one to William Brewster). I would look into the land records next, but I can't imagine the Mayflower Society not accepting you since you have the birth; church admission; marriage; and death records of this woman. My opinion.