The Winter 2009 issue cover looks like this:

The Table of Contents for this issue of FGS FORUM includes:
* page 3 - A Question for FGS Delegates And All Society Members, by Pat Oxley
* page 4 - FGS 2010: Knoxville, Tennessee, by Lori Thornton
* page 11 - Federation Awards for 2009, by Susan D. Kaufman
* page 14 - National Archives and FGS Formalize Agreement
* page 15 - Ancestor Fair
* page 16 - Kay Dunlap Boyd: Volunteer of the Year, by Susan LeBlanc
* page 18 - Keeping Your Tax Exempt Status, by Cath Madden Trindle
* page 20 - No Will? There Still May Be a Way, by Sandra H. Luebking (research article)
* page 24 - Malcolm H. Stern NARA Gift Fund
* page 26 - News in Brief
* page 27 - State Reporting
* page 29 - Society Spotlight - "Recreating the 1890 Census"
* page 30 - Records Preservation & Access, column by Linda McCleary
* page 32 - Family Associations, column by Christine Rose
* page 34 - Ethnic & International
* page 36 - Notes from the Field, column by Curt B. Witcher, on "Newspapers of Churches and Religious Organizations"
* page 38 - Genealogy 2.0, column by Randy Seaver on "Using Facebook for Genealogy"
* page 41 - Board Bytes, including a great picture of the 2009 FGS board
* page 42 - Book Reviews, column by Paul Milner (9 pages!)
While much of the magazine deals with FGS and member society activities, there are many articles and columns that can help individual researchers. The news digest is very useful to readers. Every society should read Cath Trindle's article about tax exempt status. Linda's RPAC news helps keep us informed about record access in different states, and Curt always has useful research articles about genealogy resources. Paul's book reviews are uniformly excellent and are a must read for societies and individuals trying to add to their book collection or to see what they should look for on their library shelves.
My column, Genealogy 2.0, deals with genealogy in the Web 2.0 environment. This issue's column is about using Facebook to pursue genealogy research. The first page (of three) is shown below:

Earlier columns dealt with What is Genealogy 2.0, Keeping Up with the Genealogy 2.0 World, and Genealogy Blogs - Information, Research and Soapbox (big surprise, eh?). Future columns? Wait and see! Seriously, if you have a suggestion for future columns, please let me know! I have some ideas, but don't want to duplicate topics that have been discussed in other genealogy magazines.
The Federation of Genealogical Societies is offering a discount for subscriptions to the FGS FORUM online magazine. The advertisement on Page 40 of the Winter 2009 says:
For a limited time you may
RENEW, EXTEND or BEGIN your subscription to FORUM
the online magazine of the Federation of Genealogical Societies
at just $15 for one year or $25 for two years
Subscribe at
The FGS is sending email announcements to their members and genealogy media outlets saying:
Response to our "Going Green" new format and style, and full color visuals, has been positive and we are able to maintain our subscription rates of the past decade. These features give FORUM the potential to greatly extend our subscription base. To do so, FGS is releasing a special offer for 2010: one year subscription at $15 or two years at $25. Read a sample issue at and get subscription details at the same time.
I encourage you to subscribe to FGS FORUM and enjoy the quarterly magazine in digital format.
I encourage you to subscribe to FGS FORUM and enjoy the quarterly magazine in digital format.
Disclosure: I am a columnist for FGS FORUM, but receive no remuneration for the articles I write, and will receive no remuneration for this recommendation.
1 comment:
Interesting publication.
The alphabetization of Virginia before Vermont in the list of societies almost threw me. I realize it's likely based on postal codes but yet and still.............
A Different Randy
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