Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Escondido Family History Fair on March 6

The FREE Escondido (CA) Family History Fair is Saturday, 6 March at the LDS Family History Center in Escondido (2255 Felicita Rd, Escondido, CA 92029). Directions can be found here.

The Family History Fair is an annual all-day event with a keynote speaker, five hour-long sessions with seven different program speakers in each session, and an exhibit hall. The presentation schedule is provided here, and includes:

* 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. - Registration and Exhibits open
* 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. - Keynote presentation by David Rencher (Chief Genealogy Officer of FamilySearch)

* 10:10 to 11:10 a.m. - Session I
* 11:20 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.- Session II
* 12:20 to 1:20 p.m. - lunch break
* 1:30 to 2:30 pm. - Session III
* 2:40 to 3:40 p.m. - Session IV
* 3:50 to 4:50 p.m. - Session V

The program presenters are listed here. It is a talented set of speakers! The classes can be attended free of charge. A printed syllabus will be available for $12. A box lunch can be purchased for $8.

Every attendee must pre-register by mail by 20 February 2010. The registration form may be downloaded from Attendees are asked to identify the presentations they wish to attend in order for the Fair organizers to assign presentation rooms.

The exhibit area is primarily for local genealogical and hereditary societies to display their brochures and displays - no selling is permitted on the FHC grounds.

This is the premier all-day seminar each year in San Diego County. If you want to attend, please fill out the registration form and send it in ASAP.

1 comment:

Susi's Quarter said...

Randy? I keep having to reapply to follow your blog??? Also will you be putting up data for us to say yes we are going and car pooling? Susi