Paula Hinkel summarized the brochure in her blog post Jamboree Program Available for Download on the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree blog.

There are some interesting events scheduled for the 2010 Genealogy Jamboree, including:
1) Two Blogger Summit events on Saturday, 12 June:
*** 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. - SA-034 Blogger Summit Part 1: From Novice to Reader to Blogger in Sixty Minutes. (Doerflinger, MacEntee, Midkiff, DearMYRTLE, Seaver). Watch as the mystery of genealogy blogs is revealed before your very eyes. You’ll learn what blogs are as well as how to read blogs to find genealogy research leads. Finally, you’ll see how easy it is to create a blog in under 5 minutes! [BI].
*** 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - SA-042 Blogger Summit Part 2: Now that You’re a Genealogy Blogger. (Cooke, Dardashti, Doyle, MacEntee, Manson). So you have a blog? Now what? Learn how to make blogging fun with tips from our panel of expert genealogy bloggers. You’ll learn about keeping posts fresh, making blogging beneficial to your genealogy research and possibly profitable as well, with tips on marketing your blog. [I]
2) There are a number of Mini-courses and Computer Labs (limited seating, free), including:
*** Blogger for beginners (Thomas MacEntee)
*** WordPress for beginners (Thomas MacEntee)
***Using Excel in genealogy (Sam Ward) - two sessions
*** Using your computer, video camera and YouTube (Elyse Doerflinger)
*** Writing your family history using Microsoft Word (Rhonda McClure)
*** Using your computer, video camera and YouTube (Elyse Doerflinger)
*** Writing your family history using Microsoft Word (Rhonda McClure)
*** Skype - the cool new way to talk to the grandkids (George G. Morgan)
*** Google Docs for beginners (Thomas MacEntee),
*** Google Docs for beginners (Thomas MacEntee),
*** Using Google Earth to map your ancestor's home (Anne Miller)
*** Platting your ancestor's land (Anne Miller, David Armstrong)
*** Second Life: a new world of online genealogy (DearMYRTLE)
*** Second Life: a new world of online genealogy (DearMYRTLE)
*** FindaGrave (Cheri Mello)
*** Scanning tips and tricks (Andrew Pomeroy)
*** Google Reader for beginners (Drew Smith)
And lots more - 13 time slots with eight or nine presentations, plus breakfasts, luncheons and evening dinners with interesting speakers. And the exhibit hall too!
*** Google Reader for beginners (Drew Smith)
And lots more - 13 time slots with eight or nine presentations, plus breakfasts, luncheons and evening dinners with interesting speakers. And the exhibit hall too!
See all of the presentation schedule and the speaker biographies in the brochure.
I've heard nothing yet about special genealogy blogger activities - I'm sure that Thomas MacEntee is planning something, probably with a lot of help from a number of geneablogger-conspirators!
This is the premier genealogy conference in Southern California each year, which had about 1,500 attendees last year. The Genealogy Jamboree is a wonderful experience - I'm going to enjoy attending this one and hope to see many of my genea-blogging colleagues (we had 35 last year!) and Genea-Musings readers there.
1 comment:
Thanks Randy! We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Burbank!
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