Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday - Rev. Obadiah Holmes (1610-1682), Baptist Minister

Since I ran out of my own gravestone photographs several months ago, I've gone searching for gravestone photographs of my ancestors on the Internet.

One of my 10th great-grandfathers is Reverend Obadiah Holmes (1610-1682), christened in Didsbury, Lancashire, England, married Katherine Hyde in 1630 in Manchester, Lancashire, England, and died in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.

I don't have a photograph of my own of his gravestone and memorial plaque, but the http://www.findagrave.com/ web site does - here. There is also a Find A Grave page for his wife, Katherine (Hyde) Holmes (1608-1682) here. The stone inscription on Obadiah Holmes' stone says:

Memory of
Rev. Obadiah
Baptist Minister
from Great Britain
who died
October 15th 1682
in the
76th year of his age

The memorial plaque at the grave site says:

Erected to the Memory of
Ancestor of Abraham Lincoln in the Sixth Generation
Born 1606 .......................... Died October 15, 1682
Second Pastor of First Baptist Church, Newport R.I.
Eminent Citizen -- Champion of Soul Liberty
Persecuted at Whipping Post, Boston, Mass.
for his Religious Faith.
His Grave is in the Family Burial Ground
Middletown, R.I.

There are several books written about the life and trials of Rev. Obadiah Holmes. They include:

* Col. J.T. Holmes, The American Family of Obadiah Holmes, Columbus, Ohio, 1915.

* Edwin Scott Gaustad, Baptist Piety, Arno Press Inc., Washington, DC, 1980.

There are other extensive biographies of Obadiah Holmes as part of books and periodicals - just put "Obadiah Holmes" in the Google Books application and you'll find them.

I didn't know that Abraham Lincoln was a descendant of Obadiah and Katherine (Hyde) Holmes. I can add him to my cousin list, I guess!

This is one of my most "interesting" ancestors. Do any of my readers share this ancestry?


Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Interesting story, Randy, thanks for sharing.

Keep these ancestor stories coming!

Bill ;-)

Author of "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

Lori H said...

That's awesome, Randy! You will have to see just how he is related to you! :)

Dan Babish said...

Obadiah Holmes is also my wife's tenth great grandfather. We've also visited the grave yard in Middletown, RI.

Dan Babish

Nancy said...

Yes, I'm also a descendant of Obahiah Holmes. (He must have lots and lots of descendants by now!) I think I'm 11 generations away from him. A cousin did the research and I haven't gone back to "prove" it - just taking her word for it at the moment.

Thanks for sharing so much information about him, especially the link to see his grave.

Nancy from My Ancestors and Me

Melanie said...

I believe that Obadiah Holmes and Katherine Hyde are my 10th great-grandparents.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the posting your information. I am also a descendant of Obahiah Holmes via Martha and the Mosher route. Does anybody have information on Katherine Hyde's parents? I am trying to determine if she is a relative of Edward Hyde, the first Governor of NY.

Rootie said...

Yes, I am a descendant also. My line is through his daughter, Mary Holmes who married John Browne. Thanks for sharing.

Flobear said...
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Flobear said...

Using my daughters blog-he is also my tenth great grandad! I used his life as a sermon illustration today....God Bless!

Ken Postle
Pawtucket, RI

David Jones said...

I too am a 10th generation descendant of Obadiah Holmes, and am so blessed to be part of his lineage, committed to passing on his godly legacy. I tell his story to thousands of people every year when I share the final session "Leaving a Legacy of Destiny" at FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember Get-Aways all over the country. David Jones, Lilburn, GA

Anonymous said...

I too am a 10-greats-grandson of Obadiah Holmes through this grand-daughter Mary Brown who married Arthur Aylesworth in 1681 RI.

Bob Symons, Waterloo, Ontario

Deonna Bundrick said...

Obadiah is my 10th Great Grandfather, also! My sweet Great-Grandmother (who is now with the Lord) was the last one with the "Holmes" name in our family. I, too, am very proud to be a part of his godly heritage.

Anonymous said...

I knew that Obadiah has many decendants, but it is exciting to understand the number of us that share his genes!! He is my 9th great grandfather. My line has six Obadiah Holmes, the most recent being my great grand uncle Obadiah born in 1850.

Anonymous said...

I am a 9th great granddaughter of Rev. Obidiah Holmes. I descend through his son Jonathon Holmes. My great grandmother was Nellie Holmes. I hope to head east to RI,NY,and NJ to do some more research.

Anonymous said...

my son i a 9th great grandson of the Rev Obadiah....his grandmother my mother-in-law was Kate Nell Holmes, a most awesome Godly woman.

Anonymous said...

He is my 10th Great Grandfather - then my grandfather and my mother. I am the 10th of 14 and I have 7 of my own. Researching to visit graves tomorrow in NJ.

Unknown said...

Obadiah Holmes was my 15th great grand uncle on mother's side. Holmes was Holm and Hulme according to my research. My mother was one of 18 children. Holmes family lineage is huge.

Kats 'n K9s said...

I'm also the 10th GGD of Obadiah and Katherine...3x so far that I know of. I admire him for what he did but I'm proud to have shed the myth and bring enlightenment, reality and reason to his legacy.

Good without god(s).

SusanFrye said...

Years ago I had a geneology done, and listed on it as one of my anestors is Obadiah Holmes. I'm pleased there is now more information readily available about him. My grandparents were missionaries to West Africa, and both my parents are ministers, as am I. I guess devotion runs in the famly.

Barbara Tomeo said...

Obadiah is my 9th GGrandfather....just discovered this week. Now I will order some books about him and his descendents. Love history! Barbara

Unknown said...

Like many of us who wrote on this blog. I just discovered that I to am a descendant of Obadiah Holmes. He is my 9th great grandfather through Lydia Bowne, Obadiah's Grand Daughter. Lydia's daughter Lydia Baldwin Harden married my 4th great grandfather john Lukemire.

Judi said...

I also am descendant of Obadiah Holmes, through his son Capt. Jonathan Holmes. I know about he Lincoln connection but is there also an LBJ connection? Any info is appreciated.