The first Carnival of Genealogical Societies was published yesterday on the California Genealogical Society and Library blog, edited by Kathryn M. Doyle.

The topic for the inaugural edition of the Carnival of Genealogical Societies is:
Doin' Things Right!
Shine a spotlight on a specific program, project, or publication at
Doin' Things Right!
Shine a spotlight on a specific program, project, or publication at
a genealogical society and tell us why it worked.
Tell an anecdote about how you benefited from
a particular genealogical society service.
Share a success story and be specific!
There were fifteen entries to this Carnival, and all of them have something helpful and, in some cases, critical to the success of genealogical societies. In particular, I found the post Doin' Things Right: The Society Welcome Mat posted at the California Genealogical Society and Library blog to be though provoking.
Chula Vista Genealogical Society members have three of the entries:
* Randy Seaver has CVGS - Doin' Things Right! - Ahnentafel Lists posted at Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe
* Ruth Himan has Carnival of Genealogical Societies is: Doin' Things Right! posted at Genealogy is Ruthless without Me,
* Susi Pentico has Genealogy Societies and Why to Join Them posted at Ancestor Seekers by the Root Bound.
There are several genealogy blogs on the list of fifteen that I haven't read before.
Thanks, Randy, for spreading the word. Yes, Chula Vista gets the prize! You've shown yourself to be quite the blog-daddy! (Have a wonderful vacation - best to L.)
Randy, How do you know the deadline for submission for a Carnival. I guess I have not gotten the hang of it yet. I always seem to see it after the fact.
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