Thursday, July 15, 2010

New "Digging for Answers" Column in Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal

My latest "Digging for Answers" column in The Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal is posted here.

The question asked was: What do gravestones or grave markers cost these days? How can I comparison shop?

You can read my answers in the column. This was an interesting column to write - there are websites where you can "design your own gravestone." You may see some of mine in future Tombstone Tuesday posts!

The Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal is comprised of weekly columns, edited and posted by Gale Wall. The most recent columns are:

* International Rabbit, by Hank Van Kempen, posted 1 July 2010 "Zuiderhof Cemetery in Hilversum, The Netherlands"

* A Rabbit's Tale, by Tammi Thiele, posted 24 June 2010 "Grieving Lilacs"

* Photo Monument, by Gale Wall, posted 17 June 2010 "Lettering in Marble"

* Tech T.I.P., by Denise Barrett Olson, posted 10 June 2010 "Managing Your Blog Archives"

* The History Hare, by footnoteMaven, posted 3 June 2010 "Obituaries, the Women's Movement, and Humor"

* Graveyard Guru, by Stephanie Lincecum, posted 27 May 2010 "The Obelisk and its Origins"

I encourage you to add The Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal to your blog reader so that you don't miss the wit and wisdom of the columnists!

Thank you to Gale Wall for organizing this Journal, for editing and for posting these columns on a weekly basis.

Gale is trying to find more columnists - if you would like to contribute a regular column, or even just a guest column on a Graveyard Rabbit topic, please contact Gale through the Send A Note To The Editor link.

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