Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Legacy Family Tree 7.5 - Error in Ancestor Book Reports

I've been exploring some of the capabilities of Legacy Family Tree Version 7.5 while working on my source citations, and last night ran across an error in the Ancestor Book Report function.

One of the report pages showing a list of children is shown below:

Notice the list of children (this is for a one-marriage family).  The family children numbers start with "ii." and go through "viii." for the seven children in this family.  How did that happen?  I double checked many pages in the report, and it happened on all of them. 

I checked the Descendant Book Report and the numbers start with "i." as expected. 

I decided to report it to Legacy Family Tree, which has a Help Center at and a Report a Problem page at  I made a report as shown below:

I received an email this morning from Legacy Family Tree's Technical Support team, saying:

"This is a known problem when Footnotes are selected for sources.  I don't know how soon the programmers will be able to solve this issue, but in the meantime, please use Endnotes rather than Footnotes.

"I'll pass this on as a reminder and to add you as a reporter of this problem."

That was fast!  And informative.  And right.

I went back into Legacy Family Tree this morning and figured out how to select Endnotes rather than Footnotes - there is a check box on the Report Options menu in the Sources tab to "Print source citations," and then click on "As Endnotes after each enerationg" or "As Endnotes at end of report," rather than "as Footnotes" - the Options Sources menu is:

When I do this, the Ancestor Book Report page looks like this:

The child numbers start with "i." as expected. 

What if the user does not select any source citations?  The family child numbers start at "i." as expected.

I really like the formatting in the Legacy Family Tree reports - the user has a lot of control over the details, the user can include a title page, table of contents, and an index, and there are plenty of print and save options. 

My first experience with the Legacy Family Tree Technical Support operation was excellent - an easy to use report screen, and a quick and accurate response.

UPDATED 27 January:  Dave B. commented on this post:

"The problem with the child list starting with 'ii' when footnotes were selected has been fixed and will be in the next free update in a day or two."

That's great.  I got the notice today that Version was available, and downloaded and installed it today.  I checked the problem noted above - and it's not fixed yet.

1 comment:

Dave B. said...


The problem with the child list starting with 'ii' when footnotes were selected has been fixed and will be in the next free update in a day or two.