Friday, March 11, 2011

Follow Friday -- How to make sense of a Civil War Pension File

I ran across an interesting post today on the NARAtions blog (the blog of the U.S. National Archives) by John titled "Family Tree Friday: How to make sense out of a Civil War pension file…with some online help!"

Just what I needed!  I've been trying to make sense of the order of the papers in Isaac Seaver's Civil War Pension File that I've been posting and transcribing in my Treasure Chest Thursday series. 

The post provides a link to the book Orders, Instructions, and Regulations Governing the Pension Bureau (Washington: Government Printing Office), which is available to read or download on The Internet Archive.

The NARAtions post summarizes the intended order and content of the different documents in a typical Civil War Pension File, whether for the Invalid soldier, a Widow or a Minor Child.

1 comment:

Nira Porter Chambliss said...

I've just started ordering Civil War pension files, and I have to admit some of the information is confusing, so this post from NARAtions is very timely!