1) Genealogy by Ginger Blog (Ginger R. Smith)
* NGS Charleston, S. C. Here We Are! (10 May 2011)
* NGS – Day 1 – David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States (10 May 2011)
* Write Your Family History as a Snapshot, not a Family Portrait - Buzzy Jackson (11 May 2011)
* NGS Conference - First Round of Classes (13 May 2011)
* NGS – Last Day and Return Trip Home (15 May 2011)
* More NGS Conference Fun (Day 2) (16 May 2011)
* Lessons Learned at the NGS Conference (18 May 2011)
2) Le Maison Duchamp (by Kim von Aspern-Parker):
* NGS Conference in Charleston, South Carolina (11 May 2011)
* Transition (16 May 2011)
3) Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter (Dick Eastman)
* NGS Conference in Charleston - Day Zero (10 May 2011)
* Cloud Computing and Genealogical Collaboration: How Technology Can Help Us Work Together (11 May 2011)
* NGS Conference in Charleston - Day #1 (11 May 2011)
* Free Wi-Fi at the NGS Conference in Charleston, SC (12 May 2011)
* NGS Conference in Charleston - Day #2 (12 May 2011)
* Ancestry.com's Preview of Coming Attractions (12 May 2011)
* EOGN Dinner Held on Saturday Evening after the NGS Conference (17 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 Conference Wrap-up (17 May 2011)
* Are You In? Citizen Archivists, Crowdsourcing, and Open Government (19 May 2011)
4) Climbing My Family Tree (Jenn)
* A Peek at Charleston (11 May 2011) [don't miss this one for the beautiful pictures!]
* Bloggers’ Dinner with FamilySearch (11 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 Charleston – Day One (11 May 2011)
* Charleston NGS 2011: Day 2 (12 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 in Charleston: Days 3 and 4 (14 May 2011)
* My Daughter’s View of the NGS 2011 Conference in Charleston (15 May 2011)
5) Documenting the Details (Linda McCauley)
* NGS 2011 - Pre-Conference (9 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Day 1, Part 1 (11 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Day 1, Part 2 (14 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Day 2 (14 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Day 3 (17 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Day 4 (17 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Conflicting Social Media Policy (19 May 2011)
* Fort Sumter National Monument (20 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 - Wrap Up (21 May 2011)
6) Greta's Genealogy Bog (Greta Koehl)
* In Charleston (10 May 2011)
* Some News from Family Search (10 May 2011)
* Day One at NGS Charleston (11 May 2011)
* Day Two at NGS Charleston (13 May 2011)
* Day Three at NGS Charleston (13 May 2011)
* Day Four at NGS Charleston (14 May 2011)
* Conference Swag (21 May 2011)
7) Have You Seen My Roots? (Cheryl Cayemberg)
* Amanuensis Monday - After Fort Sumter (9 May 2011)
* Day Four at NGS Charleston (14 May 2011)
* Conference Swag (21 May 2011)
7) Have You Seen My Roots? (Cheryl Cayemberg)
* Amanuensis Monday - After Fort Sumter (9 May 2011)
* Not So Wordless Wednesday - Blogger's Dinner by FamilySearch (10 May 2011)
* Those Places Thursday - The NGS Conference (11 May 2011)
* NGS Conference - In Review - Day 1 (14 May 2011)
* NGS Conference - In Review - Day 2 (15 May 2011)
* NGS Conference In Review - Day 3 (18 May 2011)
* NGS Conference in Review - Day 4 (20 May 2011)
8) The Ancestry Insider (um, I know who he is...)
* NGS Conference - In Review - Day 1 (14 May 2011)
* NGS Conference - In Review - Day 2 (15 May 2011)
* NGS Conference In Review - Day 3 (18 May 2011)
* NGS Conference in Review - Day 4 (20 May 2011)
8) The Ancestry Insider (um, I know who he is...)
* The Transformation of NARA (11 May 2011)
* NGS and My Darned Day Job (11 May 2011)
* From NGS: Preserving War of 1812 Pensions (11 May 2011)
* Ancestry.com Takes Another Swing (13 May 2011)
* To Infinity and Beyond (13 May 2011)
* What’s Next at Ancestry.com (20 May 2011)
9) FamilySearch.org - Indexing, Records, Resources (GaleK)
* Indexing Celebration at NGS Conference (11 May 2011)
10) Midwestern Microhistory: A Genealogy Blog (Harold Henderson)
* Live at NGS Charleston: Day 1 (12 May 2011)
* What’s Next at Ancestry.com (20 May 2011)
9) FamilySearch.org - Indexing, Records, Resources (GaleK)
* Indexing Celebration at NGS Conference (11 May 2011)
10) Midwestern Microhistory: A Genealogy Blog (Harold Henderson)
* Live at NGS Charleston: Day 1 (12 May 2011)
* Live at NGS Charleston: Day 2 (13 May 2011)
* Live at NGS Charleston: Day 3 (14 May 2011)
11) Upfront with NGS (Diane Richard)
* NGS 2011 Family History Conference Starts TODAY! (11 May 2011)
* If only we could get the 'internet only genealogists' to realize how much more there is (and should be!)... (18 May 2011)
* Live at NGS Charleston: Day 3 (14 May 2011)
11) Upfront with NGS (Diane Richard)
* NGS 2011 Family History Conference Starts TODAY! (11 May 2011)
* If only we could get the 'internet only genealogists' to realize how much more there is (and should be!)... (18 May 2011)
12) DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog (DearMYRTLE)
* #NGS2011: AncestorSync and Geni (13 May 2011)
13) The Genealogy Insider (Diane Haddad)
* NGS Attendees: Free Archives.com Six-Month Membership (12 May 2011)
* Genealogy News Corral: NGS Edition (13 May 2011)
* Take Two and Call Us in the Morning ... (16 May 2011)
* Genealogy News Corral: NGS Edition (13 May 2011)
* Take Two and Call Us in the Morning ... (16 May 2011)
14) Geni blog (Grant Brunner)
* Geni At NGS 2011 (12 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 with Dear Myrtle and Gordon Clarke (13 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 Recap (16 May 2011)
15) Threading needles in a haystack: the genealogy journey (Mary Ellen)
* Getting to know Charleston, South Carolina and some little known southern roots ahead of the national genealogy conference (10 May 2011)
* All good things must come to an end... (14 May 2011)
* National Genealogical Society family history conference Charleston 2011: an overview of a first-timer's experience (16 May 2011)
16) Genealogy Journey (Robin Foster)
* A sweet meet at #NGS2011 (13 May 2011)
* Helping at Charleston SC Family History Center during #NGS2011 (13 May 2011)
* Meet up with twin, @LCAfricana, at #NGS2011 (14 May 2011)
* Mr. SavingStories goes to #NGS2011 (14 May 2011)
* Meeting African American genealogist, Bernice Bennett at #NGS2011 (15 May 2011)
17) My Tapley Tree ... and its Branches (Liz Tapley-Matthews)
* NGS 2011 Conference: Travel Day (10 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 Conference: Day 1 (13 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 Conference: Days 2 and 3 (13 May 2011)
* NGS 2011 Conference: 4th and Final Day (14 May 2011)
* Photos from NGS and Charleston (16 May 2011)
18) My Heritage Blog (Tara)
* National Genealogical Society 2011 Family History Conference: Coverage Roundup (16 May 2011)
19) GenealogyMedia.com (Jordan Jones)
* NGS 2011 Conference in Charleston, South Carolina (16 May 2011)
20) Keeping the Story Alive (J. Mark Lowe)
* Charleston SC backdrop for National Genealogical Society - pt 1 (18 May 2011)
21) GenealogyAndFamilyHistory.com (Carolyn Barkley)
* Highlights from the National Genealogical Society Family History Conference (20 May 2011)
* Archives.com blog
* Live From Charleston! Archives at NGS 2011 (10 May 2011)
* Archives to Award Special NGS Grant (11 May 2011)
* Anne Roach Joins the Archives.com Team! (12 May 2011)
* Archives Grant Award Announced At NGS 2011 (16 May 2011)
The NGS page on Facebook has photographs of speakers and events here.
You can read all of the Twitter entries by searching for NGS2011 (the hashtag was #NGS2011, but not everyone used it).
I know that there are several other geneabloggers in Charleston - please let me know if I've missed your blog and your posts (email at rjseaver@cox.net, or comment on this post).
I will try to update this post over the next few days.
Last updated: 2 p.m., 21 May 2011.
Thanks for the info and the mention, Randy!
Thanks for including me on the list, Randy! Forgive me for being behind in reading blog posts. Just one small correction... my last name is actually Tapley-Matthews. I'm sure my husband would appreciate your including the "Matthews" part! LOL
You are awesome Randy! Things are so busy in the Goodrum household this month! You just saved me a bunch of time not having to go searching for NGS Conference posts!
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