Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Some Mocavo.com Answers About Uploading My Tree

I asked several questions in my post Uploading My Tree to Mocavo.com and received answers to them recently.  The Questions (adapted by me) and Answers are:

Q:  Will I receive emails for every person in my database (I have 41,000)?  How often?
A.  You'll begin receiving emails in 2-3 weeks. We'll send you 1 email daily or weekly (your choice) with a few people chosen from your tree. By no means will you receive 41,000 emails! :)

Q.  Will there be a Delete button on the Upload page?
A.  There is now a Delete button on the Upload page.

Q.  Will a user be able to login from a non-Facebook account?
A.  We'll definitely offer a login option besides Facebook in the near future. We've had several people make that request and certainly want to offer that.

Q.  Will Mocavo match people in my tree with people in other people's trees?
A.  We won't match people in your tree with other trees for now.

Q.  Will Mocavo send me emails for persons in my tree when additional websites are added to Mocavo?
A.  You correctly guessed where we're going with this -- as we index more websites, we'll send you new information about your ancestors without resending material you've already seen.

Thank you to Richard and Cliff for answering my questions.  I'm off now to Delete my first two uploaded databases!

Note:  The Mocavo blog just posted Family Tree Upload and Contest for iPad 2, which is a summary of the tree uploading process and the news that a FREE iPad2 will be given to one person on 15 July 2011 who has uploaded a tree.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2011/07/some-mocavocom-answers-about-uploading.html

(c) 2011. Randall J. Seaver. All Rights Reserved. If you wish to re-publish my content, please contact me for permission, which I will usually grant. If you are reading this on any other genealogy website (other than an RSS or similar feed), then they have stolen my work.

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