...It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week. I am up to number 253, who is Sarah KINNAN (1761-1841), another of my 5th-great-grandmothers. [Note: The 5th great-grandfathers have been covered in earlier posts].
My ancestral line back to Sarah Kinnan and to the first known Kinnan ancestor is:
1. Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-....)
2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)
6. Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976)
7. Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977)
14. Charles Auble (1849-1916)
15. Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952)
30. James Abram Kemp (1831-1902)
31. Mary Jane Sovereen (1841-1874)
62. Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907)
63. Eliza Putman (1820-1895)
126. John Putman (1785-1863)
127. Sarah Martin (1792-1860
252. Peter Victorse Putman, born about 1760 in probably Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 03 October 1835 in Barrington, Yates, New York, United States. He was the son of 504. Victor Davidse Putman and 505. Margaret Wieser. He married 20 March 1780 in Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey, United States.
253. Sarah Kinnan, born June 1761 in Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 22 November 1841 in Springwater, Livingston, New York, United States.
Children of Peter Putman and Sarah Kinnan are:
* Victor Putman, born 26 October 1782 in Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 21 May 1845 in Canadice, Ontario, New York, United States; married Elizabeth Kline before 1809 in Probably Sussex, New Jersey, United States; born 20 January 1791 in Hurley, Ulster, New York, United States; died 04 May 1862 in Canadice, Ontario, New York, United States.
* John Putman, born before 27 September 1785 in Walpack, Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 10 May 1863 in Delhi, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada; married Sarah Martin about 1810 in probably Seneca, New York, United States.
* Peter Putman, born 1788 in probably Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 21 September 1855 in Springwater, Livingston, New York, United States; married Margaret Saunders about 1812 in New York, United States; born about 1788 in Pennsylvania, United States; died 1855 in Springwater, Livingston, New York, United States.
* David Putman, born about 1790 in probably Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died before 1855.
* Isaac Kinnan Putman, born about 1797 in Probably Sussex, New Jersey, United States; married Charlotte; born 1803 in New York, United States.
506. John Kinnan, born about 1736 in New Jersey, United States, died 1784 in Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey, United States. He married before 1756 in New Jersey, United States.
507. Martha Morrison, born about 1739 in New Jersey, United States.
Children of John Kinnan and Martha Morrison are:
* John Kinnan, born 1756 in Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 12 June 1809 in Sandyston, Sussex, New Jersey, United States.
* Sarah Kinnan, born June 1761 in Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey, United States; died 22 November 1841 in Springwater, Livingston, New York, United States; married Peter Victorse Putman 20 March 1780 in Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey, United States.
* Mary Kinnan, born about 1765 in New Jersey, United States; married Isaac Bedell.
I don't have any original source material for this surname. Mark Putman has done work on this family, and thinks that the John Kinnan family data above is correct. There may have been at least one more daughter who married Cornelius Atherton, who administered the intestate estate of John Kinnan in 1784 in Wantage, New Jersey.
The surname KINNAN may be CANNON, CANNAN, CANAAN, etc.
The URL of this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2011/067surname-saturday-kinnan-nj.html
(c) 2011. Randall J. Seaver. All Rights Reserved. If you wish to re-publish my content, please contact me for permission, which I will usually grant. If you are reading this on any other genealogy website (other than through an RSS feed), then they have stolen my work.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
When I saw this come up in my reader I had to take a second look. My family is also from Sussex :)
Oh, such dreams! Great idea! I posted my bucket list on Heritage Happens at: http://heritagehappens.blogspot.com/2011/07/sngf-my-genea-bucket-list.html
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