Friday, November 4, 2011

Follow Friday - This Weekend's Genealogy Fun

Here are my recommendations for some Genealogy Fun this weekend:

1) Listen to Geneabloggers Radio tonight (Friday night, 9 p.m. ET, 8 p.m. CT, 7 p.m. MT and 6 p.m. PT) hosted by Thomas MacEntee. This week's topic is "Copyright and Genealogy – Yours, Mine and Ours." The special guests include:

Dick Eastman, author and founder of Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter who will discuss the current problem of copyright violations when it comes to blog posts and content.
Jonathan Bailey of the Plagiarism Today site will be with us to discuss resources available for learning more about copyright law and dealing with content theft.
*  Attorney, genealogist and blogger James Tanner of the Genealogy’s Star blog will help us understand some of the intricacies of US copyright law and how it applies to your genealogy research.

2) Listen to the FGS Radio - My Society show on Saturday (2 p.m. ET, 1 p.m. CT, 12 noon MT, 11 a.m. PT) is on hiatus this week. It will return on Saturday, 12 November.

3) Check out the recent FREE Webinars on:

Cracking the Case of Nathan Brown's Parents, by Marian Pierre-Louis (Legacy Family Tree, free until 14 November)
Watching Geoff Live: Cemeteries, by Geoff Rasmussen (Legacy Family Tree, free until 7 November)* Let Your Voice Be Heard in the Digital Conversation, by Drusilla Pair (Legacy Family Tree)
* Exploring and by their founder, Paul Allen. (Legacy Family Tree)
* "Newspapers for Genealogists: Using to document every day of your ancestors' lives" with Tom Kemp. (Legacy Family Tree)
* "Organizng for Success" with Karen Clifford (Legacy Family Tree)
* "The Power of DNA in Unlocking Family Relationships," with Ugo Perugo (Legacy Family Tree)
* "Leveraging the Power of "We": a Watershed Event in Discovering Where to Find Your Ancestors (Research Wiki, Research Courses, and FamilySearch Forums)," with Michael Ritchey (Legacy Family Tree).

* RootsMagic Webinars (all free) available at

* National Genealogical Society (NGS) Videos (some are free to view) at

* Thomas MacEntee's Explorinars, including:

** Easy Website Creation (free to view).
** Evernote - Easy Note Taking UPDATED (free to view)
** Facebook Pages vs. Facebook Groups (free to view)

*'s YouTube Channel has 98 items on it now, including (free to view):

** LIVE: Search with Ancestry Anne with Anne Mitchell
** LIVE: One Question with the Barefoot Genealogist with Crista Cowan
** LIVE: Lorraine's 5 Tips for Online Grave Digging   with Lorraine Bourne
** LIVE: How do I use newspapers on to find out more about my ancestors?  with Crista Cowan
4) Respond to my Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge, posted on soon after 12 noon Pacific time (that's 1900 GMT for those who understand time zones).

5) Go to a local genealogical society program. I'm not going to any local society this weekend, but you might want to check out what's offered in your area.

6) Go to a local or close repository with genealogy and family history material. Do some research in traditional resources or order FamilySearch microfilms online with original source records.

7) Do some online research in the latest record collections at:

* FamilySearch (free,,
* Ancestry ($$,,
* Fold3 ($$,,
* WorldVitalRecords ($$,,
* American Ancestors ($$,,
* GenealogyBank ($$,,
* Archives ($$,

8) Add content (names, dates, places, notes, images, sources, etc.) to your genealogy software program. I still have two inches of paper collected from my vacation, and more from before that, and will try to enter some of it into my database this weekend.

9) Spend time with your family doing fun things. We are still recovering from two weekends ago...where we made some great family history. Your turn!

10) Go to a local cemetery and clean stones, take gravestone pictures, or transcribe epitaphs for your local society, for Find-a-Grave, or a similar online service.

Whatever you decide, please tell us about your genealogy endeavors on a social network or in a blog post. You never know when your experiences may stimulate or encourage others to do useful genealogy work.


Celia Lewis said...

Hmmm, it's only 9:07am and I've already done 4! Great ideas, Randy - you're the Fun-Guy-to-go-to in genealogy! Cheers.

Unknown said...

Wow. Lots to do!! As soon as I get out of my nice warm bed I will be headed to the BART to check into the beautiful San Francisco Embarcadero Hyatt, register early and prepare for my 5 dollar one on one session with a genealogical expert. I brought Tony's father's immigration papers from Spain for translation.