Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your Dear Genea-Santa Letter

It's Saturday Night - take some time from the Christmas shopping frenzy - and have a little Genealogy Fun!!

Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision. Here's your chance to sit on Genea-Santa's lap (virtually) and tell him your Christmas genealogy-oriented dreams:

1) Write your Genea-Santa letter. Have you been a good genealogy girl or boy? What genealogy-oriented items are on your Christmas wish list? They could be family history items, technology items, or things that you want to pursue your ancestral quest.

2) Tell us about them in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook status or Google Stream post.

Here's mine:

Dear Genea-Santa,

I tried so hard to be a good genea-boy this year. I worked hard speaking all over Southern California and teaching at OASIS and CVGS, serving my local societies, writing my society newsletter, my FGS FORUM Genealogy 2.0 columns, my Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal columns, and over 1,300 blog posts, attending two genealogy conferences, and helping several friends and colleagues with their research. In addition, I standardized all of my sources, and added more names, facts and sources to my database. 

Thank you so much for last year's gifts - I love my presentation laser pointer/slide advancer gizmo,  and my travel radio.  During the year, you also brought me the solution to my Elizabeth Dill brick wall as I asked you to do.

I  still BELIEVE!!!!! Come on, Santa, all I want for Christmas for 2011 are:

* A notebook computer that is small and light and full of genealogy capability for my speaking and research and conference adventures. 

*  A smart phone full of applications so I can visit genealogy sites wherever I am, can network and stay up to date on genealogy news and technology.  I need one for my wife too so she can play games while I play genealogy.

*  A genea-robot that can work 24 hours a day on getting my genea-piles organized - that is so boring...but a robot would not have to sleep or eat or share time with my wife.  Maybe I could even train it to write blog posts.

*  A solid lead on the ancestry of William Knapp (1775-1856), Thomas J. Newton (ca 1800-ca 1840) and Devier James Lamphear Smith (1839-1894) would be welcome too!

Thank you, Genea-Santa, for listening to my pleas. I will leave a nice personal meat-lovers pizza in the freezer for you (you can heat it in the kitchen microwave), a rosy red apple and some delicious chocolate chip cookies on the fireplace hearth, and some eggnog (in the refrigerator) for you on Christmas Eve just in case you need fortification. You can get a yummy Dove chocolate ice cream bar out of the refrigerator if you'd like. Nothing's too good for Genea-Santa - mi casa es su casa!

Picture credit:  Sheri Fenley (The Educated Genealogist)


Dorene from Ohio said...

Dear Genea-Santa,
All I ever want for Christmas is to find the homeland of my Larkins' ancestors from Ireland!!

dustbunny8 said...

This is a good one!
Well Santa,I only have two-but there big ones!
1. Time! Time for more genealogy!Trying to squeeze it around a 40 hour week job,grand-kids,granddad,sleep,house,yard,exercise,friends,pets,excreta,excreta!
If I can't have that one:
2. How about Salvador Castro death place and date?My GGGrandfather's last resting place, how I would love to give that to my elderly cousins before they are gone.They have given so much to my genealogy search.
Thanks for letting me share with people who will totally understand.

Liz said...

Here's my post:

Stephanie @ said...

My letter is up! I hope that I get something from it! :)

Michelle Goodrum said...

Here's the link to my letter. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Shelley Bishop said...

Thanks, Randy, for the fun! I hope a little genea-elf delivers my letter to Santa. It's posted at:

Jacqueline said...

Thanks for the mission. Here's my letter, hopefully Genea-Santa see it.

Bill West said...

I had some suggestions to Santa for cool geneagifts this year. They're
here on my blog at

J. Paul Hawthorne said...

Dear Genea Santa,
You already gave me all the Elizabeth Shown-Mills books I can read, now just give me the time to read them. Oh, I could use the new flip pal scanner.