Sunday, May 20, 2012

Legacy Day - Sunday, 20 May 2012

On the 8th day on our cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Vision of the Seas, we are in transit from Edinburgh to Oslo.

Therefore, it is a Legacy learning day.  The class schedule (in the Conference Center) is:

*  1 p.m.:  "Digging for Gold in British Estate Records" by Judy Wight

*  2 p.m.:  "Finding Your Elusive Ancestor: The Genealogical Proof Standard, and Doing a Reasonably Exhaustive Search" by Randy Seaver (yep, me, Geoff asked, I couldn't resist!)

*  3 p.m.:  "Searching Effectively" by Randy Seaver

*  4 p.m.:  "Merging 101 and 202" by Ken McGinnis

*  5 p.m.:  "Questions and Answers with the Legacy team (and maybe a surprise too!)

6 p.m.:  Dinner with the group.

We get back to Oslo tomorrow for a long day of travel back to San Diego.

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