This was the first full day of classes at the Jamboree, and the place was packed. Some classes were overflowing and some had few attendees.
* We were up early, at breakfast by 7:15 a.m. and I went off to watch the Jamboree Genealogy Idol competition webinar at 8 a.m. hosted by Geoff Rasmussen of Legacy Family Tree. Tessa Keough was the winner in my book, and the winner selected by the voters on the webinar.
* I walked through the exhibit hall and talked to several vendors - Geni, FamilyChartMasters, and Moorshead Magazine among others. I decided to attend Daniel Horowitz's class on "Mobile Devices and Applications for Genealogists." I tweeted throughout, which can be read on Twitter and Facebook.
* I was on Blogger Summit Panel I, and that went fairly well with Thomas MacEntee, Gena Ortega, Tonia Kendrick and Caroline Pointer. There were lots of questions from the audience. Thomas showed blogs and other websites on the screen.
* Linda and I had lunch in the patio - I had a cheeseburger, banana and cookies from the vendors. We sat in the warm sun. I went into the cool and shady exhibit hall and wandered for awhile. The 2 p.m. program was Blogger Summit Panel II with Thomas MacEntee, Michelle Shimkus, Denise Levenick, Elyse Doerflinger and The Ancestry Insider on the panel. I tweeted through this one also.
* That was over at 3 p.m., and we took the yearly geneablogger picture in the hotel lobby area. I went over to see the Ancestry prize drawings - but they were held at 1 p.m. today. Oops. Drat. Then I talked to Geoff Rasmussen, Kathryn Doyle and CeCe Moore in the hallway. I went and put my name into the 23andMe drawing also. I missed some of the next class, but sat in on the end of Lisa Cooke's class on "Ten Ways to Add Volume to Your Family History with Video."
* Back into the exhibit hall to browse and take some pictures, then I went to the bar and found the usual suspects there. I should have gone to a presentation, but I didn't. I hung around the blogger lounge area and then the exhibit hall.
* I went up to get Linda at 6 p.m. and we met the ProGen class members for the picture at 6:15 in the hotel lobby area. We met Steve, Gini, Emma, Angela and Cheryl to go to dinner, and Bruce, Laurie, Janet and Adam invited us to join them at Branagans. It was a Mexican place - who knew? When we walked in, there was Gena and her son, and A.C. and his family. So we had 17 for dinner! It was fun, and good.
* We were back by 8:45 p.m. and I grabbed my laptop case while Linda went to bed. I set up down in the blogger lounge on the table and added to the Best Of post and then wrote this post. It's 10 p.m. and everybody but Nancy and I have disappeared.
I posted some pictures from the Hollywood Gala last night on Facebook but cannot add them to my blog posts until I get home.
Sunday is the last day of the Conference. The last class is over at 3 p.m. and we have a 4:25 p.m. train ticket. I may not get a blog post done on Sunday due to arriving home relatively late.
Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like a fun conference and I'm wishing I was there. Next best thing is reading the summaries and watching the live streams!
I love these updates - it is almost like the rest of us are there! Thanks also for your "vote."
Idol was a bit of work for all of us but I think it went well and there were some interesting and timely tips. This was my first time "presenting" and it was a bit odd to present over the internet and hope that people were seeing your slides and hearing your voice (since the presenters can't tell what is happening during their 5 minutes). It really makes you appreciate all the work that goes into a longer presentation and gives you more of an understanding of the technical aspects.
Have a great time on the last day of Jamboree.
I love reading your posts about the conference, but wait - You mentioned more photos on facebook. Can you give more information on facebook - I checked Randy Seaver, Randall Seaver and genea-musings. Nada.
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