Wednesday, September 26, 2012

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 224: Bess at the Beach

 I am posting photographs from my family collections for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday (you know me, I can't go wordless!).    

Here is a photograph from the Geraldine (Seaver) Remley family collection handed down from my Aunt Gerry in 2007
 after her passing. 

There are actually three persons in this picture - the lady looking at the camera is my grandmother, Alma Bessie (Richmond) Seaver (1882-1962) in the sun hat, long sleeves and gloves.  Geraldine Seaver (1917-2007) is the child in the foreground with the white bow in her hair (did she wear this bow all the time while she was a child?).  There is a person in the left background standing on the sand, seen between the rails.

If Geraldine was about 5 years old in this photo, then this picture was taken in the early 1920s probably at a beach in New England with a staircase down to the sand.  

I have no idea where the Seaver family went to the beach.  I've heard stories about them going to the Cape with family friends, perhaps at Chatham.  

This photograph was in one of Aunt Gerry's albums, pasted to the page.  The image above is the best scan I could obtain by scanning the album page and cropping the photo out of the collage.

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Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver

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