Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday's Tip: Use Princeton Public Library Links to Find Digital Archival Records

This week's Tuesday's Tip is:  Use the Genealogy link at the Princeton Public Library (http://princetonlibrary.org/explore/online-resources/genealogy) to find records in digital archives.

The Genealogy page at the Princeton Public Library website looks like this (two screens, there's more!):

This website has links to archival websites - both public and private.  There are sections for Public Libraries, digital indexes, State or Region, and then Other Resources (why aren't these integrated into the other sections?).  As an example, here are the links for California:

A researcher can spend hours exploring many of these links.  So how can you efficiently determine if a specific site contains information about a specific person or specific surname?  Well, you can use the search engine on the website, or you can do a Google site search.  For instance, I just looked for the Seaver surname on the Maine Memory Network site and was rewarded with four photographs of the 1904 honeymoon of C.M. and Alice Seaver.  Not my folks, but they are probably someone's ancestors.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2012/09/tuesdays-tip-use-princeton-public.html

Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver


wendy said...

Great tip - thanks! Will bookmark that site - will try to use it today!

Gerry Sell said...

Thank you very much for that tip. I tried it out right away, to very good effect, and have been mining a new resource in Wisconsin for a couple of days now.