Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Review: "Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors" Special Magazine

While at the National Genealogical Society 2013 Conference in Las Vegas, I visited the Moorshead Publishing (Internet Genealogy, Family Chronicle and History Magazine) exhibit.  Ed and Rick are great genealogy friends, and gifted me with a copy of one of their excellent special magazines - "Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors," written by David A. Norris.

The publicity for this magazine says:

"Many Americans can trace at least part of their ancestry back to people who lived in the colonial era.  Each of the original American 'Thirteen Colonies' was unique, and within them, the counties and towns had their own distinctive characteristics.  Fortunately for the genealogist today, the Internet, libraries, archives, books, and microfilm are all available to help find and understand family history information from the colonial era.  I hope that this guide will provide useful ideas and tips for the reader who is digging into the fascinating history of this time."

The Table of Contents for this 84 page special magazine is:

*  page 6 - Colonial Newspapers
*  page 12 - Maps of Colonial America
*  page 15 - Revolutionary War Records
*  page 18 - Births, Marriages & Deaths
*  page 24 - The New Calendar

*  page 26 - Passenger Ship Records
*  page 30 - Tax Rolls & Colonial Censuses
*  page 34 - Militia Records
*  page 38 - Colonial Money
*  page 45 - Colonial Court Records

*  page 50 - The French and Indian Wars
*  page 58 - Indentured Servants
*  page 64 - Voting & Poll Books
*  page 66 - Political Committees
*  page 69 - Probate and Land Records

*  page 73 - Colonial Weights & Measures
*  page 77 - Brands, Ear Marks & Strays
*  page 81 - Predator Bounty Records

Each of these articles discusses the topic in general terms, and often describe online or repository records with information.  In addition, there is a web page (http://www.internet-genealogy.com/Colonial_Extra.htm) listing published and digital record sources of the colonial era, with a state-by-state listing.

The "Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors" special magazine can be ordered here for $9.95 plus $4.50 shipping (PDF download is $8.95).  Other magazines and books can be ordered through their Book Store.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/05/review-tracing-your-colonial-american.html

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

Disclosure:  I was provided a copy of this special magazine and was asked to review it.  The gift does not affect my objective evaluation of this magazine.

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