Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Legacy Family Tree 8 Source Citation for Anna Sjursdatter's Death Record

I wrote A Source Citation for Anna's Death Record in Voss, Norway on 13 December 2013, using the RootsMagic 6 software program.  I said that I would try to craft a source citation for this record in Legacy Family Tree 8 and in Family Tree Maker 2014 so that I could compare the source template results.  

I worked a bit in the SourceWriter feature in Legacy Family Tree 8 today, and crafted a source citation for the death record of my wife's ancestor, Anna Sjursdatter, in Gjelle near Voss in 1826, which I reported finding in Finding Norwegian Church Parish Records in DigitalArkivet Website  (posted 12 December 2013).

The source I have for Anna's death record is an online digital image in a specific book for the Voss parish register on the Artkivverket website for DigitalArkivet Scanned Church Records (  

The process for crafting the source citation using the Evidence Explained quality source templates in the Legacy Family Tree 8 SourceWriter is:

1)  From the person's "Individual Information" page, I clicked on the "Assigned Sources" icon, and saw the list for Anna Sjursdatter:

2)  I need to add a Death event source, so I clicked on the "Add a New Source" button, since I did not have this particular source in my database already:

On the "Step 1. Add a New Master Source" screen above, I scrolled down the list of Type of Source from the list, and picked "Death Records."  Then I chose "Death register" from the dropdown list of the type of the death source, and "Created at city/local level" from the Level of jurisdiction dropdown menu, and finally selected "Online image" from the Select the medium dropdown list.

3)  After selecting those options, the "Step 2. Fill in the fields below" screen opened:

On the screen above, I named the new Master Source, and filled in the fields for the various items as best I could.  When I was satisfied, I clicked on the "Save" button.

4)  The "Step 3. Add the Source Detail" screen opened, and I added information to the fields on the "Detail Information" tab:

As I added information to the fields, I saw the source citation being created on the right-hand side of the window.  When I was done, I could have clicked on "Save" but I wanted to add information about the "Source quality" and add a "Media" item to the source.

5)  I noted the "Surety Level" selection and though it was appropriate, and then clicked on the "Analyze Source Quality" button (below the search fields).  This opened the "Source Quality" screen:

I selected what I thought were the appropriate selections for Source, Information and Evidence.

After clicking "Save" the "Edit the Source Detail" window opened, and I clicked on the "Media" tab:

6)  I followed the process and added the digital image that I previously had downloaded from the Artkivverket website, found it in my surname file folder, and added it to the Media Gallery for the person:

7)  After clicking on the "Save" button, I was back to the "Assigned Sources" screen and saw the completed source citation in the lower part of the screen:

8)  The source citation for the death of Anna Sjursdatter of Gjelle farm on 16 August 1826, as reported in the Voss parish church record book is:

Footnote/Endnote Citation:
Voss (Vangen) Parish Church Kirkeboker, Hordaland, Norway, "Voss: 1823-1837, Ministerialbok A12," Deaths and Burials, p. 324, item 93, Anna Sjursdtr of Gjelle; digital image, Artkivverket, DigitalArkivet Scanned Church Records (( 12 December 2013).  

Subsequent Citation:
Voss (Vangen) Parish Church Kirkeboker, Hordaland, Norway, "Voss: 1823-1837, Ministerialbok A12," Deaths and Burials, p. 324, item 93, Anna Sjursdtr of Gjelle.  


Hordaland, Norway. Voss (Vangen) Parish Church Kirkeboker. "Voss: 1823-1837, Ministerialbok A12." Artkivverket. DigitalArkivet Scanned Church Records. ( : n.d.  

9) This source citation is very similar to the source citation crafted by the RootsMagic 6 source templates.

The Legacy Family Tree 8 SourceWriter templates are very well thought out and organized, and I had no trouble deciding which selections to make in Step 1 of the process.  This source "crafting" process enables a researcher trying to deal with an online record item on a page in a digitized multi-volume church register to create a useful source citation.

I will do a similar study using Family Tree Maker 2014 in a later blog post.

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

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