Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I'm a Social Media Maverick too! Family Tree Magazine Names 40 SMMs

I received an email today from Diane Haddad, editor of Family Tree Magazine and writer of the Genealogy Insider blog saying:

"We announced 40 Social Media Mavericks to follow in the March/April 2014 Family Tree Magazine, in Lisa Louise Cooke's article Social Media Mavericks (available online at http://familytreemagazine.com/article/40-social-media-mavericks ). Cooke recommends 40 genealogy individuals and organizations to follow on blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Pinterest. This article recognizes the important role of social media in the way we share family history research, find inspiration and advice, connect with distant relatives, share and discover new resources, and more."

Genea-Musings was noted in the Blogging category, along with 8 others.  There were many other geneabloggers named in the Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest categories.

The article had this to say about me:

"Randy Seaver reliably serves up genealogy research tips, techniques and news, as well as commentary on his own research. And nobody does software evaluation better, so if you’re trying to choose a genealogy database or want to use the one you have more effectively, this is the blog for you."

I thought that the list should have included Google+ posters and Hangouts, and a number of active and notable genealogy bloggers/social media mavens were not included.

For example, I think that DearMYRTLE deserved to be included, perhaps on the YouTube list.  She is one of the persons very active on Google+ and Facebook, and has been doing weekly "Mondays With Myrt" Hangout On Air that are archived on YouTube.  In addition, she has done one series of "Mastering Genealogical Proof Study Group" Hangouts On Air and just started a second series.  This "Hangout On Air" medium is one of the few "active collaboration/discussion" forums available for researchers in video format that I think can be very useful for genealogical research.

I also have other social media outlets which I mainly use to highlight my blog posts and genealogy issues, including:

*  Facebook Profile:  https://www.facebook.com/Geneaholic

*  Twitter Feed:  https://twitter.com/rjseaver  or @rjseaver

*  Google+ Profile:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RandySeaver/posts

*  Genea-Musings blog:  www.geneamusings.com

*  Geneaholic blog:  www.geneaholic.com

*  Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog:  http://cvgencafe.blogspot.com

*  My Flipboard Magazines:  https://flipboard.com/profile/Geneaholic

*  My Rebel Mouse page:  https://www.rebelmouse.com/rjseaver/

Congratulations to all of the other social media mavericks that are listed - I think that I follow almost all of them already!

My thanks to Lisa Louise Cooke and Family Tree Magazine for the honor of being named a Social Media Maverick.   i'm in good company!  My daughters would be surprised at this...

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/02/im-social-media-maverick-too-family.html

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver


Unknown said...

I agree with you, Myrtle should be on the list as a long time advocate of technology in genealogy.

Congrats to you!

DearMYRTLE said...

Thanks. Yesterday when the list came out, it was at a low point in Mr. Myrt's health, and I seriously considered quitting while I could, because it appears my effectiveness is waning.

Today, I realize the editors at FTMag were not the author of the list. Lisa Louise Cooke is allowed her opinions. I guess her Genealogy Gems has been around longer than the work Cousin +Russ Worthington and I have been doing over on Google+/YouTube, and that she was perhaps right to omit Ol' Myrt in favor of listing her own show.

Usually I don't care about numbers.

I was just sad not to be included. But then, this could all be sour grapes on my part.

I think exhaustion of caring for Mr. Myrt in the ER and subsequently has taken it's toll.

We do this because we love working together with other folks bitten by the "genealogy gene". It is that joy of collaboration and discording our ancestors that really keeps us going.


Drew Smith said...

And podcasters! Don't forget podcasters! ::grin::

Janet Hovorka said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet Hovorka said...

Sorry for the deleted comment--I meant to direct my comment to Myrt especially,
We all have days when we feel like all of our efforts go unnoticed and unappreciated. I know I certainly have. And I suspect Lisa seeing this is feeling that way now. I suspect she was trying to reach out to some different people who add value but aren't already as well known as you are. There are so many in this community who work hard and are worthy of our attention. You are a great asset to the genealogy community. Hopefully we can all just celebrate the good and be happy for the people who are noticed when it is not our turn. And then the trick is to be humble and appreciative when it is our turn. It is hard though. All of the official blogger, best of lists, etc leave alot of hard working people who are earnest in their endeavors. I'm sorry this time it was you. You are a very valuable part of this community.
Congrats Randy! I'm glad this time it was you!