Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started his own Monday blog theme many months ago called Amanuensis Monday. What does "amanuensis" mean? John offers this definition:
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is a probate record that was an article of agreement to settle the estate of John Woodcock (1606-1701) of Attleborough, Massachusetts. John Woodcock married Sarah Curtis (1627-1676) about 1644, and they had children:
* Sarah Woodcock (1646-1727), married Thomas Estabrook (1649-1713)
* John Woodcock (1649-1718) married Sarah Smith (1654-1676) and Sarah Judson (1651-1718)
* Israel Woodcock (1651-1719) married Elizabeth Getchell (1662-????)
* Mary Woodcock (1653-1703) married Samuel Guild (1647-1730)
* Thomas Woodcock (1657-1707) married Mary --?-- (????-1747)
* Jonathan Woodcock (1658-1736) married Mercy Williams (1669-1737)
* Nathaniel Woodcock (1660-1676)
* Deborah Woodcock (1663-1718) married Benjamin Onion (1659-1718).
John Woodcock married (2) Joanna --?--, who survived him and had married James Fowler at the time of this writing.
John Woodcock died in Attleborough in Bristol County, Massachusetts. Articles of Agreement between his widow, Joanna (who was his second wife, and not the mother of his children), and the children of John Woodcock, were written on 6 March 1703, which reads (transcribed from Bristol County (Massachusetts) Probate Records, Volume 2: Pages 106-107, obtained from FHL US/CAN Microfilm 0,461,882):
"Attleborough March the: 6 : 1703
"Articles of Agreement Considered and Concluded on between Joanna Fowler Relict to John Woodcock of Attleborough Deceased, And John Woodcock, Israel Woodcock, Jonathan Woodcock, Thomas Woodcock, Thomas Estabrook, Samuel Guild, and Benjamin Onion, the Children & heires of the John Woodcock Dec. Refering to the Dividing & Settleing the Estate left by the said John Woodcock Dec.
"Imps. We do Joyntly Agree that the thirds of the Estate Accrueing to the widow by law be Purchassed by the Children.
"2dly. That the houseing and lands be sold, and allso the stock & goods and chattels (Except such part as we shall see cause to make Choice of) That the money remening by the sale thereof (after the debts be all payd), By the Admr be Divided Amongst the Children Equally, only the Eldest Son to have two shillings in the Pound more than his Equall part. And do Acknowledge that we have in hand Received Each of us as is hereafter mentioned.
"Viz. To John Woodcock in Goods and Chattels ............................ 02=03=00
To Israel Woodcock in Goods and Chattels ..................................... 01=19=00
To Jonathan Woodcock in Goods and Chattels ................................ 01=19=00
To Thomas Woodcock in Goods and Chattels .................................. 01=19=00
To Thomas Eastabrook in Goods & Chattels .................................... 01=19=00
To James Fowler and Joanna Fowler in money for the house & land .. 30=00=00
and in Goods and Chattels ............................................................. 07=00=00
To Samuel Guild in Goods and Chattels .......................................... 01=19=00
To Benjamin Onion in Goods and Chattels ...................................... 01=19=00
In the presense of James Fowler (seal)
James Browne Joanna Fowler (her mark) (seal)
Christopher Hall John Woodcock (seal)
Mary Blackenton (?) her mark Israel Woodcock (seal)
Jonathan Woodcock (seal)
"This agreement being shown forth by Captain Samuel Guild Thomas Woodcock (seal)
Admr to the Estate of John Woodcock late of Attleborough Thomas Eastabrook (seal) a Disposition of a part of the Estate under his Samuel Guild (seal)
Administration is Allowed of this 2d Day of November Benjamin Onion (seal)
1704 & ordered to be of Record - Nathaniel Byfield."
"The Account of the Administration of John Woodcock of Dedham in the County of Suffolk in New England and Samuel Guild Admr of the estate left by their late father Mr John Woodcock late of Attleborough Deceased Intestate Exhibited November 2d 1704.
"The Administ-n Debts
"To the personall Estate as by the Inventory on Record the sum of ............... 213=10=00
To the Reall Estate on Record .............................................................................. 128=00=00
Lost in Selling the personall Estate 27=17=08
Lost in the sale of the Reall Estate 08=00=00 ............................................... 035=17=08
To ye Debts funerall charges & Expenses not on the other side ..................... 165=06=09
The Admr Credit Debts payd out of the Estate
To Mr. Gidion Crawford ............................ 48=03=02
To Nathaniel Waterman .............................. 27=10=00
To Nathaniel Paine Esqr ............................ 12=10=00
To Peter Fowlerworth ................................. 07=11=03
To Mr. Ballester .......................................... 03=18=10
To Mr Pembrook ........................................ 02=18=10
To Mr. Cheesebrooke .................................. 00=03=06
To Timothy Ide ........................................... 00=16=00
To Peter Thomson ..................................... 00=05=00
To James Jillson ........................................ 00=12=00
To James White ........................................ 00=04=06
To Mrs. Nirbos ......................................... 00=04=00
To John Wares ......................................... 01=02=00
To Henry Sweet ....................................... 00=06=00
To Jonathan Woodcock ............................ 01=00=00
To Israel Woodcock ................................. 00=01=08
To Bamfield Caprion ................................. 01=04=00 The houseing & lands sold
To Mr John Arnold ................................... 02=15=00 for the sum of = 120=00=00
To Joseph Chaplin .................................... 04=06=00 to be divided to & amongst the
To Funerall Charges ................................. 12=12=00 Children of the sd John Woodcock
To our Mother upon Agreement ........... 15=01=00 .... Deceased Equally, Except John
Charges for ye Settlement of ye Woodcock ..... who is to have two
Estate for Entertainment at the house . 08=07=00 shillings in the pound more than ye
Admr Charges .......................................... 13=15=00 other Children
165=06=09 Samuel Guild Adm-r.
"Samuel Guild Adm-r to ye Estate of John Woodcock late of Attleborough Deceased Personally appearring before me Nathaniel Byfield Judge of Probate of wills & within the County of Bristoll made Oath that this is a true acco-t of his Administration so far as is set forth by the said Account which I allow to be of Record Bristoll Novr 2d 1704.
Jun Coram Natha-l Byfield"
The source citation for this document is:
"Probate Records, 1687-1916; Index, 1687-1926" Bristol County, Massachusetts, Probate Court Records, on 199 FHL US/CAN Microfilm rolls; original records at Probate Registry, Taunton, Mass., Volume 2: Pages 106-107, Articles of Agreement on John Woodcock estate, obtained from FHL US/CAN Microfilm 0,461,882).
The necessity for this document is that John Woodcock died in 1701 with a significant estate consisting of real estate, personal estate, and debts. His widow, Joanna --?--, married James fowler, presumably at the time of the writing of this agreement. By law, she was to receive her "thirds," and the administrators had to sell the property to do that.
The numbers don't seem to add up. The administrator had 140 pounds to distribute after selling the real estate, paying the debts and other charges and expenses. 15 pounds went to the widow in the list of debts, and 37 pounds to the widow in the agreement. The seven children received slightly more than 30 pounds in the settlement. Perhaps they each received some portion of the personal estate that was not accounted for. Or I missed a line when I transcribed this document!
My Woodcock ancestor is Mary (Woodcock) Guild (1653-1703), who married Samuel Guild in 1676. The agreement names all of the surviving male children of John Woodcock, and the husbands of the three married daughters, including Samuel Guild.
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Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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