Maria Magdalena "Molly" Houx (1768-1850) is #97 on my Ahnentafel list, and is my 4th great-grandmother, married in 1785 to #96 Martin Carringer (1758-1835).
I am descended through:
* their son, #48 Henry Carringer (1800-1879), who married #49 Sarah Feather (1804-1848) in 1825.
* their son, #24 David Jackson Carringer (1828-1902), who married #25 Rebecca Spangler (1832-1901) in 1852.
* their son, #12 Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946), who married #13 Abbie Ardell "Della" Smith (1862-1944) in 1887.
* their son, #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976), who married #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977) in 1918.
* their daughter, #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002), who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
* their son, #1 Randall J. Seaver (1943-....)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Name: Maria Magdalena "Molly" Houx[1]
* Alternate Name: Mary Caringer[2]
* Alternate Name: Molly Carringer[3–4]
* Alternate Name: Mary Carringer[7]
* Sex: Female
* Father: Theodorus Freiderich Houx (1725-1802)
* Mother: Anna Maria Federhoff (1731-1811)
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: about 1768, Frederick, Maryland, United States[2]
* Pension: 6 February 1839 (about age 71), Widow's declaration; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[3]
* Pension: 8 February 1839 (about age 71), Deposition of widow; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[4]
* Pension: 8 July 1839 (about age 71), pension granted; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[5]
* Census: 1 June 1850 (about age 82), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[2]
* Death: 31 August 1850 (about age 82), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[1,6]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Martin Carringer (1758-1835)
* Marriage 1: May 1785 (about age 17), probably Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, United States[6,8-9]
* Child 1: Johann Jacob Carringer (1785-1865)
* Child 2: Maria Elisabetha "Lizbet" Carringer (1789-1850)
* Child 3: Catherine Carringer (1792-1866)
* Child 4: George Carringer (1795-1870)
* Child 5: Calli Carringer (1797-1810)
* Child 6: Henry Carringer (1800-1879)
* Child 7: Soloman Carringer (1802-1820)
* Child 8: Joseph Carringer (1805-1869)
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
The only clues available for the name, birth date and birthplace of Maria Magdalena (Molly) Hoax are the Revolutionary War Pension file declaration in February 1839[1] which states that she was age 71, the 1850 U.S. census record[2] which shows a Mary Caringer, aged 82 born in Maryland, living in the house of Henry Caringer, and the February 1851 declaration by her son, George Carringer[7], that provided her maiden surname as "Hoax" and her death date. These records define Mary's birth year as 1767 or early 1768. The only birthplace found in a record is Maryland from the 1850 U.S. Census record.
The god-parents of Mary's first child, Jacob Carringer, were Nicolaus and Barbara Hack (from German Church records of Westmoreland County, PA)[9] which may be a phonetic version of Hoax (or Houx?), just as Hoax may be a phonetic spelling of Hoaks or Hokes.
There was a Theodorus Friederich Houx, husband to Anna Maria Federhoff had a son Mathias Houx born in 1759 in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland. Mary Magdalena "Molly" Hoax was probably the daughter of Theodorus Friederich and Anna Maria (Federhoff) Houx family.
There are many families with surnames like Hack, Houks, Hokes, Houx, Houcks, Hauck, Hough, Hout, Hoat, Hoax etc. in Pennsylvania and Maryland in the 1760-1790 time frame, and it may be impossible to determine Mary's ancestry without definitive land or probate records. Theodorus Houx did not leave a probate record in Frederick County, Maryland. At the time of her marriage in 1785, she was probably a resident of Frederick county, Maryland.
The family Bible included in the Revolutionary War Pension File summary for Martin Carringer included the note that "soldier married Mary "Molly" Hoax in May 1785." This was probably in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Martin and Mary "Molly" (Houx) Carringer had eight children who were listed in the Family Bible[8] as:
* Jacob, born 1 Oct 1785,
* Lizbet born 6 Sept 1789,
* Katharine born 18 Jan 1792,
* George born 5 Sept 1795,
* Calli born 9 Mar 1797,
* Henrick born 6 June 1800,
* Soloman born 24 Aug 1802,
* Joseph born 22 Oct 1805.
The first four children were baptized in the Lutheran Church in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania[9].
Molly Carringer declared that she was a widow of Martin Carringer and requested a Revolutionary War pension in a declaration dated 6 February 1839[3]. The declaration says:
State of Pennsylvania
Mercer County Ss
On the Sixth day of February
in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and thirty nine personally came before the subscriber
a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and
for said County being a Court of Record of Pennsyl-
vania, Molly Carringer a resident of Sandy
creek Township Mercer County and State aforesaid,
age Seventy one years who being first duly sworn
according to Law, doth on her oath make the
following declaration in order to obtain the ben-
efit of the pensions of the Act of Congress passed
July Seventh One thousand eight hundred and
thirty Eight entitled “An Act granting half
pay and pensions to certain Widows.”
That she is the widow of Martin Carringer
who was a private in the regular Army of the United
States in the Revolutionary War that for some time
before and up to his death he was on the pension
roll of the United States drawing a Pension of Nine-
ty Six Dollars per Annum. She further de-
clares that she was Married to the said Martin
Carringer in the Month of May One thousand
Seven hundred and eighty five, that her
husband the said Martin Carringer died on
the twenty fifth day of January One thousand
Eight hundred and thirty five, that she
was not married to him prior to his having
the service but that their Marriage took
place prior to the first day of January 1794
and at the time above stated and that she
shall remain his widow.
Sworn to and Subscribed her
on the day above written Molly X Carringer
before mark
James R. Wick"
Molly Carringer deposed on 8 February 1839 that the family Bible pages were written by Martin Carringer[4]. The record says:
"State of Pennsylvania
Mercer County Ss Eighth Feb'y A D 1839
Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the Justices
of the peace in and for said County Molly Carringer the
Widow of Martin Carringer late of Sandycreek Township
in the County afforesaid Deceased, and sworn as the law directs
Deposeth and saith, that the leaves of the Book to which this
Deposition is attatched is the family Record of her Husband
the late Martin Carringer, and although she cannot read the
writeing thereon, she knows it to be her Husbands handwriting
and preserved it, Always in her own possession (until
attatched to this Deposition) as the date of birth of her
Children, And that the last name on the list was not their
Child but their Grandchild, and that She had a Certificate
of her Marrage but lost it. Her
Sworn to and subscribed Molly X Carringer
before me the above date mark
Adam Thompson J.P.
Molly Carringer was granted a pension of $80 per year on 8 July 1839[5]. This was renewed again in 1843 and 1848.
In the 1850 U.S. census, the Henry Caringer family resided in Sandy Creek township, Mercer, Pennsylvania[2]. The family included:
* Henry Caringer, age 56, male, a farmer, $2000 in real property, born PA
* Eliza Caringer, age 23, female, born PA
* Jackson Caringer, age 21, male, a carpenter, born PA
* George Caringer, age 18, male, a farmer, born PA
* Cornelius Caringer, age 17, male, a farmer, born PA
* Mary Caringer, age 14, female, born PA, attended school
* Sarah Caringer, age 13, female, born PA, attended school
* Henry Caringer, age 11, male, born PA, attended school
* Loisa Caringer, age 9, female, born PA, attended school
* Matilda Caringer, age 5, female, born PA, attended school
* Harvey Caringer, age 2, male, born PA
* Mary Caringer, age 82, female, born MD
The declaration of George Carringer, son of Martin and Mary (Hoax) Carringer, dated 28 August 1851, noted the death dates of his parents and the names of the living children of Martin and Mary Carringer[7]. It reads:
"State of Pennsylvania }
County of Mercer } SS
On this 28th day of August 1851
personally appeared before me Thos Robinson a Justice
of the Peace in and for said county George Carringer aged 56 years
resident of Perry Township in said county who being first duly
sworn doth on his Oath make the following declaration under
Act of congress passed first July 1848 & 2d Feb 1848
This declarant states that he is the
lawful Child of Martin Carringer late of said County
who was a Revolutionary pensioner of the United States
under Act of 18 March 1818 at the rate of 96$ per annum and
who died in said county on the 25th day of January A D 1834.
This declarant further states that he is the lawful
child of Mary Carringer who was the lawful wife o& widow
of the aforesaid Martin Carringer that the maiden name of
this declarants Mother was Mary Hoax and that she the said
Mary was a pensioner of the United States at the rate of 80$
per annum and that the said Mary Carringer died in
said county on the thirty first (31) day of August in the year
eighteen hundred and fifty leaving Six children only
surviving her whose names are Jacob Carringer, Elizabeth
McCartney deceased on the 14th day of November in the year 1850,
Catherine Cazbe, George Carringer, Henry and Joseph Carringer.
Sworn and subscribed to
on the day and year first George Carringer
above written before me
Thomas Robinson J.P.
There is no known burial location for Maria Magdalena "Molly" (Hoax) Carringer.
1. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files," online database with digital images, ( : 2011), original records in National Archives Publication M804, Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Declaration of son George Carringer, 28 August 1851 (image 17 of 45).
2. 1850 United States Federal Census, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, population schedule; Sandy Creek township, Page 312, dwelling #853, family #900, Henry Carringer household, online database, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 796.
3. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Declaration of widow, 6 February 1839 (image 10 of 45).
4. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Deposition of widow, 8 February 1839 (image 16 of 45).
5. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Pension granted to Molly Carringer, 8 July 1839 (image 23 of 45).
6. U.S. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, online database and images, (, National Number 45353, Pennsylvania State Number 2082, Marion Aubrey Carringer application, dated 16 May 1927.
7. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Declaration of son George Carringer, 28 February 1851 (image 17 of 45).
8. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension Application W6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, applied 12 Apr 1824.
9. Paul Miller Ruff, The German Church Records of Westmoreland County, PA 1772-1791, 2nd edition (Pittsburgh, Penn., Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1979).
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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: about 1768, Frederick, Maryland, United States[2]
* Pension: 6 February 1839 (about age 71), Widow's declaration; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[3]
* Pension: 8 February 1839 (about age 71), Deposition of widow; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[4]
* Pension: 8 July 1839 (about age 71), pension granted; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[5]
* Census: 1 June 1850 (about age 82), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[2]
* Death: 31 August 1850 (about age 82), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[1,6]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Martin Carringer (1758-1835)
* Marriage 1: May 1785 (about age 17), probably Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, United States[6,8-9]
* Child 1: Johann Jacob Carringer (1785-1865)
* Child 2: Maria Elisabetha "Lizbet" Carringer (1789-1850)
* Child 3: Catherine Carringer (1792-1866)
* Child 4: George Carringer (1795-1870)
* Child 5: Calli Carringer (1797-1810)
* Child 6: Henry Carringer (1800-1879)
* Child 7: Soloman Carringer (1802-1820)
* Child 8: Joseph Carringer (1805-1869)
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
The only clues available for the name, birth date and birthplace of Maria Magdalena (Molly) Hoax are the Revolutionary War Pension file declaration in February 1839[1] which states that she was age 71, the 1850 U.S. census record[2] which shows a Mary Caringer, aged 82 born in Maryland, living in the house of Henry Caringer, and the February 1851 declaration by her son, George Carringer[7], that provided her maiden surname as "Hoax" and her death date. These records define Mary's birth year as 1767 or early 1768. The only birthplace found in a record is Maryland from the 1850 U.S. Census record.
The god-parents of Mary's first child, Jacob Carringer, were Nicolaus and Barbara Hack (from German Church records of Westmoreland County, PA)[9] which may be a phonetic version of Hoax (or Houx?), just as Hoax may be a phonetic spelling of Hoaks or Hokes.
There was a Theodorus Friederich Houx, husband to Anna Maria Federhoff had a son Mathias Houx born in 1759 in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland. Mary Magdalena "Molly" Hoax was probably the daughter of Theodorus Friederich and Anna Maria (Federhoff) Houx family.
There are many families with surnames like Hack, Houks, Hokes, Houx, Houcks, Hauck, Hough, Hout, Hoat, Hoax etc. in Pennsylvania and Maryland in the 1760-1790 time frame, and it may be impossible to determine Mary's ancestry without definitive land or probate records. Theodorus Houx did not leave a probate record in Frederick County, Maryland. At the time of her marriage in 1785, she was probably a resident of Frederick county, Maryland.
The family Bible included in the Revolutionary War Pension File summary for Martin Carringer included the note that "soldier married Mary "Molly" Hoax in May 1785." This was probably in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Martin and Mary "Molly" (Houx) Carringer had eight children who were listed in the Family Bible[8] as:
* Jacob, born 1 Oct 1785,
* Lizbet born 6 Sept 1789,
* Katharine born 18 Jan 1792,
* George born 5 Sept 1795,
* Calli born 9 Mar 1797,
* Henrick born 6 June 1800,
* Soloman born 24 Aug 1802,
* Joseph born 22 Oct 1805.
The first four children were baptized in the Lutheran Church in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania[9].
Molly Carringer declared that she was a widow of Martin Carringer and requested a Revolutionary War pension in a declaration dated 6 February 1839[3]. The declaration says:
State of Pennsylvania
Mercer County Ss
On the Sixth day of February
in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and thirty nine personally came before the subscriber
a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and
for said County being a Court of Record of Pennsyl-
vania, Molly Carringer a resident of Sandy
creek Township Mercer County and State aforesaid,
age Seventy one years who being first duly sworn
according to Law, doth on her oath make the
following declaration in order to obtain the ben-
efit of the pensions of the Act of Congress passed
July Seventh One thousand eight hundred and
thirty Eight entitled “An Act granting half
pay and pensions to certain Widows.”
That she is the widow of Martin Carringer
who was a private in the regular Army of the United
States in the Revolutionary War that for some time
before and up to his death he was on the pension
roll of the United States drawing a Pension of Nine-
ty Six Dollars per Annum. She further de-
clares that she was Married to the said Martin
Carringer in the Month of May One thousand
Seven hundred and eighty five, that her
husband the said Martin Carringer died on
the twenty fifth day of January One thousand
Eight hundred and thirty five, that she
was not married to him prior to his having
the service but that their Marriage took
place prior to the first day of January 1794
and at the time above stated and that she
shall remain his widow.
Sworn to and Subscribed her
on the day above written Molly X Carringer
before mark
James R. Wick"
Molly Carringer deposed on 8 February 1839 that the family Bible pages were written by Martin Carringer[4]. The record says:
"State of Pennsylvania
Mercer County Ss Eighth Feb'y A D 1839
Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the Justices
of the peace in and for said County Molly Carringer the
Widow of Martin Carringer late of Sandycreek Township
in the County afforesaid Deceased, and sworn as the law directs
Deposeth and saith, that the leaves of the Book to which this
Deposition is attatched is the family Record of her Husband
the late Martin Carringer, and although she cannot read the
writeing thereon, she knows it to be her Husbands handwriting
and preserved it, Always in her own possession (until
attatched to this Deposition) as the date of birth of her
Children, And that the last name on the list was not their
Child but their Grandchild, and that She had a Certificate
of her Marrage but lost it. Her
Sworn to and subscribed Molly X Carringer
before me the above date mark
Adam Thompson J.P.
Molly Carringer was granted a pension of $80 per year on 8 July 1839[5]. This was renewed again in 1843 and 1848.
In the 1850 U.S. census, the Henry Caringer family resided in Sandy Creek township, Mercer, Pennsylvania[2]. The family included:
* Henry Caringer, age 56, male, a farmer, $2000 in real property, born PA
* Eliza Caringer, age 23, female, born PA
* Jackson Caringer, age 21, male, a carpenter, born PA
* George Caringer, age 18, male, a farmer, born PA
* Cornelius Caringer, age 17, male, a farmer, born PA
* Mary Caringer, age 14, female, born PA, attended school
* Sarah Caringer, age 13, female, born PA, attended school
* Henry Caringer, age 11, male, born PA, attended school
* Loisa Caringer, age 9, female, born PA, attended school
* Matilda Caringer, age 5, female, born PA, attended school
* Harvey Caringer, age 2, male, born PA
* Mary Caringer, age 82, female, born MD
The declaration of George Carringer, son of Martin and Mary (Hoax) Carringer, dated 28 August 1851, noted the death dates of his parents and the names of the living children of Martin and Mary Carringer[7]. It reads:
"State of Pennsylvania }
County of Mercer } SS
On this 28th day of August 1851
personally appeared before me Thos Robinson a Justice
of the Peace in and for said county George Carringer aged 56 years
resident of Perry Township in said county who being first duly
sworn doth on his Oath make the following declaration under
Act of congress passed first July 1848 & 2d Feb 1848
This declarant states that he is the
lawful Child of Martin Carringer late of said County
who was a Revolutionary pensioner of the United States
under Act of 18 March 1818 at the rate of 96$ per annum and
who died in said county on the 25th day of January A D 1834.
This declarant further states that he is the lawful
child of Mary Carringer who was the lawful wife o& widow
of the aforesaid Martin Carringer that the maiden name of
this declarants Mother was Mary Hoax and that she the said
Mary was a pensioner of the United States at the rate of 80$
per annum and that the said Mary Carringer died in
said county on the thirty first (31) day of August in the year
eighteen hundred and fifty leaving Six children only
surviving her whose names are Jacob Carringer, Elizabeth
McCartney deceased on the 14th day of November in the year 1850,
Catherine Cazbe, George Carringer, Henry and Joseph Carringer.
Sworn and subscribed to
on the day and year first George Carringer
above written before me
Thomas Robinson J.P.
There is no known burial location for Maria Magdalena "Molly" (Hoax) Carringer.
1. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files," online database with digital images, ( : 2011), original records in National Archives Publication M804, Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Declaration of son George Carringer, 28 August 1851 (image 17 of 45).
2. 1850 United States Federal Census, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, population schedule; Sandy Creek township, Page 312, dwelling #853, family #900, Henry Carringer household, online database, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 796.
3. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Declaration of widow, 6 February 1839 (image 10 of 45).
4. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Deposition of widow, 8 February 1839 (image 16 of 45).
5. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Pension granted to Molly Carringer, 8 July 1839 (image 23 of 45).
6. U.S. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, online database and images, (, National Number 45353, Pennsylvania State Number 2082, Marion Aubrey Carringer application, dated 16 May 1927.
7. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, Declaration of son George Carringer, 28 February 1851 (image 17 of 45).
8. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files,", Pension Application W6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, applied 12 Apr 1824.
9. Paul Miller Ruff, The German Church Records of Westmoreland County, PA 1772-1791, 2nd edition (Pittsburgh, Penn., Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1979).
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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Or contact me by email at
There was more than one "German" church in Westmoreland County. Did Rev. Ruff not specify any congregation or pastor for the record(s) you cite?
Yes, I know, but I can't find the notebook in my 40 linear feet of paper to sort out which volume, which church, which page.
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