The treasure today is the 1840 United States Census for the Amos Underhill household in Aurora, Erie county, New York:
The lines with three Underhill families are:
The data provided in these three lines includes:
1) Cyrus M. Underhill household:
* one male under age 5 [son Don Carlos Underhill, born in 1836]
* one male aged 5 to 10 [son Delos Underhill, born in 1834]
* one male aged 30 to 40 [head Cyrus Metcalf Underhill, born in 1804]
* one female under age 5 [daughter Harriet Underhill, born in 1838]
* one female aged 20 to 30 [wife Malinda (Harmon) Underhill, born in 1812]
2) Amos Underhill household:
* one male aged 20 to 30 [unknown, perhaps a nephew?]
* one male aged 60 to 70 [head Amos Underhill, born in 1772]
* one female under age 5 [unknown, perhaps a niece?]
* one female aged 10 to 15 [unknown, perhaps a niece?]
* two females aged 20 to 30 [daughter Almeda Underhill, born about 1813]
* one female aged 50 to 60 [wife Mary (Metcalf) Underhill, born about 1780]
3) James Underhill household:
* one male under age 5 [son James Hawley Underhill, born in 1839]
* two males aged 5 to 10 [sons Horace Delacey Underhill, born in 1834, and Amos Underhill, born 1832]
* one male aged 20 to 30 [unknown, perhaps a brother of wife Polly?]
* one male aged 30 to 40 [head James Pierce Underhill, born 1809]
* one female under age 5 [daughter Hannah Maria Underhill, born in 1837]
* one female aged 20 to 30 [wife Polly Ann (Hawley) Underhill, born 1812]
I have attempted to guess the names of the family members who might be in these age groups, understanding that there might be errors in the birth years I have in my database or in the enumeration.
The source citation for the census record for Amos Underhill is:
1840 United States Federal Census, Erie County, New York, Aurora, page 243 (penned), Amos Underhill household; digital image, ( : accessed 19 November 2012), citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M704, Roll 280.
The image of this census page on is not very clear. The handwriting of the enumerator is not very good. Amos Underhill was indexed as James (as was his son James listed just below him), but the name could be guessed as Amos, and it is likely Amos's household.
The three families listed in succession implies that they lived near each other.
Amos and Mary (Metcalf) Underhill are the parents of Cyrus Metcalf Underhill and James Pierce Underhill, the two other Underhill families on the census image above.
Amos and Mary (Metcalf) Underhill are my fourth great-grandparents. I am descended through their daughter Mary Ann Underhill (1816-1883) who married Samuel Vaux (1816-1880) in about 1838.
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