I matched Ichabod, his wife, and their children to persons already in the FamilySearch Family Tree several months ago using my RootsMagic database.
Here is the RootsMagic Family View for the Ichabod and Rachel (Allen) Family in my RootsMagic 7 database:
The screen above shows me that I now have a different birth date and death date, a Probate Record and an alternate name for Ichabod Kirby that are different from, or are not in, the FamilySearch person.
For each of my RootsMagic events that I want to add to the FamilySearch person, I need to click the box next to the event on the RootsMagic person. I did that for the birth date, and saw the "What do you want to do with this RootsMagic fact?" screen:
I chose to "Replace in FamilySearch 31 Dec 1705 Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States" option, and added a Reason in the red-outlined box at the bottom of the screen. When I clicked on "OK" the date was changed on the FamilySearch person.
I did the same thing for the Death date, and also for the Probate Fact and the Alternate Name Fact, choosing to add the Fact to the FamilySearch person.
There were some alternate marriage dates and places which were duplicates, so I deleted them from the FamilySearch person.
Here is the comparison between my RootsMagic person and the matching FamilySearch person after I did all of the changes:
The next task is to add the appropriate Sources and Notes to FamilySearch for Ichabod Kirby.
I try to do this task every week when I have completed a 52 Ancestors biography or have added significant data to another ancestor. This has been Ichabod Kirby's week so far!
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/03/updating-ichabod-kirby-profile-in.html
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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