Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Treasure Chest Tuesday - James A. Smith 1902 Michigan Death Certificate

Yes, I know it's supposed to be Treasure Chest Thursday, but I can't help it - I want to share some of the records that I (and others) have found in my/their repository and online searches for my ancestral families.

This week's Treasure is the 1902 Death Certificate for James A. Smith (1833-1902) in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan:

Information extracted from this death record includes:

*  City:  Detroit;          *  County:  Wayne;               *  No.: 389 Cass Ave.
*  Full Name:  James A. Smith                                 *  Date of Death:  4 - 5 - 1902
*  Sex:  Male;               *  Color:  White;                  *  Marital Status:  Married
*  If married, age at (first) marriage:  32 years         *  Age:  69 years  0 months  0 days
*  Parent of  2  children of whom 2 are living          *  Date of Birth:  1833
*  Occupation:  Traveling Salesman                         *  Birthplace:  Massachusetts
*  Name of Father:  Jas. Smith                                 *  Birthplace of Father:  Mass.
*  Maiden Name of Mother:  Elizabeth Dill            *  Birthplace of Mother:  Mass.
*  Date of Burial:  Apr 7 1902                                  *  Place of burial:  Woodmen
*  Signature of Undertaker:  Wm R Hamilton         *  Address of Undertaker:  Detroit
*  Informant:  Mrs. Jas. A. Smith                            *  Address:  389 Cass Ave.
*  Cause of Death:  Heart Disease

The source citation for this record is:

"Death Records, 1897-1920," online database, Seeking Michigan (http://seekingmichigan.org/), Transcript of Certificate of Death, Wayne County, 1902, No. 1448, James A. Smith entry (http://seekingmichigan.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/p129401coll7/id/488832/rec/6).

James A. Smith is the son of my third great-grandparents, Alpheus and Elizabeth (Dill) Smith, and the brother of my 2nd great-grandmother Lucretia Smith (1828-1884).  He married Annie Eliza Stewart in 1864, and they had two daughters, Annie Lucretia Smith (1864-????) and Grace Louisa Smith (1866-1959).  The two daughters are my first cousin three times removed.

The only obvious error in this record is the name of the father - it should be Alpheus Smith, not James Smith.  The informant surely had never met her father-in-law and may have forgotten or not known his name.


The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/07/treasure-chest-tuesday-james-smith-1902.html

Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver

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