Friday, August 26, 2016

Book Announcement: Fostering Family History Services: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Volunteers

I received this book announcement from the authors of this book:


Clark, Rhonda L. & Nicole Wedemeyer Miller. Fostering Family History Services: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Volunteers. Libraries Unlimited. Feb. 2016. 269p. illus. bibliog. index. ISBN 9781610695411. pap. $55; ebk. ISBN 9781610695428.

Websites, social media, and the Internet have made research on family history accessible. Your library can tap into the popularity of the do­-it-yourself genealogy movement by promoting your role as both a preserver of local community history as well as a source for helping your patrons archive what's important to their family. This professional guide will teach you how to integrate family history programming into your educational outreach tools and services to the community.

The book is divided into three sections: the first introduces methods for creating a program to help your clients trace their roots; the second provides library science instruction in reference and planning for local collections; and the third part focuses on the use of specific types of resources in local collections. Additional information features methods for preserving photographs, letters, diaries, documents, memorabilia, and ephemera. The text also includes bibliographies, appendices, checklists, and links to online aids to further assist with valuating and organizing important family


*  Discusses the reference environment and offers tips for strategic planning for local studies
Includes hints of how to assess, organize, discard, or donate family heirlooms

*  Offers suggestions for caring for family history archives, including physical enclosures, digital copies, and the importance of data backups

*  Features templates for partnership agreements with other organizations

Rhonda L. Clark, PhD, is associate professor of information and library science at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Her published works include several articles on local collection reference and digitization in Annual Review of Cultural Informatics and Electronic Records and Resource Management Implementation in Diverse Environments. Clark holds a doctorate in Russian history from the University of Minnesota and a master's degree in library science from the University of Pittsburgh.

Nicole Wedemeyer Miller, MA, MLS, teaches a course on genealogy and library service at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana­Champaign.  She also teaches various family history courses and seminars at the Champaign County Historical Archives. Previously, she was a reference librarian in academic and public libraries for more than 12 years. She holds a master's degree in English literature from Northern Illinois University as well as a Master of Library Science from the University of Illinois and has published several articles in genealogy and local history journals.

From the email from the authors:

We have just published a new book called Fostering Family History Services: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Volunteers. This is not a how-to genealogy title, rather a guide for those of us who work with other genealogists. A variety of topics are covered including how to conduct a genealogical reference interview, planning programming, oral history projects, dealing with old photographs, providing good collection access, digitization projects, and more. This is the first book to cover this subject.

Further information on the book can be found online.  A short video explaining how this writing project began can be found here:

Excerpts can be found both on Amazon and Google Books.


Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver

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