Monday, September 12, 2016

Amanuensis Monday - Post 338: Account and Receipts of Heirs of John Metcalf (1622-1690)

Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent  TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday."  John offers this definition for "amanuensis:" 

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

The subject today is the first page of the probate record for John Metcalf (1622-1690) of Medfield, Mass.

The transcription of this account and receipts is:

[page 146]

[in margin] John Metcalfe – Receipts – Case No. 1837

An Acc^tt of what the Children of our Loveing father
John medcalfe and heires to his Estate have
Received of said Estate onwards our severall por-
tions march the 24^th 1691.

I John Medcalfe have Received in move-
ables to the vallue of                                                      £12 - 09
and in Lands to the Vallue of                                       £34 - 10
I Micall Medcalfe have Rec^d in moveables
to the vallue of                                                                £10 - 09 - 0
I Elizabeth Davis have Rec^ed in moveables
to the vallue of                                                                £13 - 06 – 00
I Elisha Bullin have Rec^ed for hannath my
wife in moveables to the Vallue                                 £10 – 14 – 00
and Lands and meadows to the Vallue of                £30 – 00 – 00
I Joseph Medcalfe have Received in move-
ables to the Vallue of                                                    £02 – 17 – 00
and in Land and meadow                                           £10 – 00 - 00
I Eleaz^r Ellice have Rec^ed for Mary my wife
in moveables to the Vallue of                                     £19 – 01 – 09
and more in Lands and meadow to the Vallue of  £16 – 00 - 00

In wittnesse that Each one of us whose Names are
insearted Doe acknowlidge our selves Sattisfied with
the Sums Each one have Received the said Sums
as wittnesse our hands the 19^th day of Aprill 1691
it being onwards our Severall portion.
    John metcalfe                        Joseph Metcalfe
    Elisha bulon                          Eleazer Ellice
                                                  Elizabeth X Davis

in the presence of us this first day of July 97
                                                John Plimpton
                                                Berniamin Allen

An acc^tt of the price of Severall moveables as they
were Estimated.
To one bed 3£ one Rug 1£ 2s two bought blanketts 16s
To two whom made blanketts 14s, one pair of Sheetts 15s

[page 147]

To one bolster 10s, and one pillow 5s Napkins 1s 3d apiece
To toul'ills 8d apiece and pillow beers 2s apiece.

[in margin] Account of Estate moveables

In the yere 1692 March
An accompte of estate Received by Isaac Wheeller
from his hon^ed father in law Jno. Medcalfe as
parte of his wives portion as Followeth

Impr. To Peuter viz. Three smale platers
other smale peuter Seven pound weight
at one shiling 3 pence p^r pound                             0 – 8 – 9
To Brass one litle ould Kitle & one scillit at
fifteene shil.                                                                   0 – 15 – 0
To six spoons two six peny & two four peny
& two 3 peny spoons                                                    0 – 2 – 2
To erthen ware one tub one halfe Barel one
Kuller one paile                                                             0 – 10 – 0
To one wheele & two trays & two dishes at
foure shilings                                                                 0 – 4 – 0
To one sive one shillinge two pence                          0 - 1 – 0
To one chest six shilings one box three shillings   0 – 9 – 0
To one Iron pot at five shilings                                   0 – 5 – 0
To one Bed tick twentie two shilings one Rugg
18 shilings                                                                        2 – 0 – 0
To five sheetes at one pound ten shilings                 1 – 10 – 0
To one boulster onep illow three pillow beeres
& napkins three towels aprised at twentie shilings  1 – 0 – 0
To two bed blankets at eight shilings                         0 – 8 – 0
To one ould trundle bed ticken at foure shilings      0 – 4 – 0
To three Basketes at two shiling                                  0 – 2 – 0
To two Glase botles six pence                                      0 – 0 – 6
                                                                                             8 – 0 – 5
To on sack and three bushels of indin corn nine Shilings
This Acount is againe owned to the Administrators
I say owned by me.
                                                          Isaac Wheler

                                           This first day of July 97

The source citation for the entire record is:

Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991, indexed database with digital images, (, citing Suffolk County [Mass.] Probate Records, 1636-1899, "Probate Records, Vol. 1-2, 1636-1776," Volume 2, pages 146-152 (images 395-398), John Metcalfe of Medfield Estate, 1691.

John Metcalf (1622-1690) died intestate in Medfield, Massachusetts, which was then part of Suffolk county in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  His estate file in the Suffolk county probate records is 7 pages, containing an account, a summons to the widow, the widow's declining administration, and two bond statements.  

The above document is only the account and receipts filed by the heirs after his death.  The heirs included:

*  Son John Metcalf (1648-1738)
*  Son Michael Metcalf (1650-1691)
*  Daughter Elizabeth Davis (1654-1735) 
*  Son-in-law Elisha Bullen for wife Hannah Metcalf (1664-1719)
*  Son Joseph Metcalf (1658-1741)
*  Eleazer Ellis for wife Mary Metcalf (1668-1727)
*  Isaac Wheeler for wife Experience Metcalf (1661-1730). [Note, Experience not mentioned]

The values of the real and personal property already provided by John Metcalf before his death will be important when the estate was divided.

John Metcalf (1622-1690) and his wife, Mary (Chickering) Metcalf (1628-1698) are my 9th great-grandparents.  I descend through their son, Michael Metcalf (1650-1691), who married Elizabeth Bowers (1654-1724).


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